Energise Existence. Ascend.

'The Gift Of Truth Excels All Other Gifts'



The state of being the case, the fact. The body of real things, events, and facts. A transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality. The property of being in accord with fact or reality, with reason or correct principles. Actuality.


Flaws In Man's Knowledge Leads To Flaws In Man's Reality.

It Is Not The Eyes That Are Blind, But It Is The Heart In The Chests That Grow Blind.


The Kingdom Of God Is Within You.


Anyone Who Does Not Love Does Not Know God, Because God Is Love.







Intelligent Infinity is a term devised from The Law Of One, a channeled spiritual text. It refers to an Infinite and Intelligent Energy that permeates all aspects of creation. Intelligent Infinity is the source of all Existence that transcends time and space. It is also known as the One Infinite Creator and is an all-encompassing, all-powerful and all-Loving force that exists beyond the physical Universe: the Divine Force that creates, sustains and transforms everything in the Universe.

Intelligent Infinity is used to describe the Divine Energy that underlies all things. It is limitless, eternal, ever-expanding and is accessed through spiritual realization via Meditation leading to an energetic connection of Love with the Divine, God. This brings profound transformation to the individual from within resulting in muscular growth via Love Fractal Energy of the pineal gland, the Third Eye, for greater wisdom, compassion, enlightenment, knowledge and happiness.

It is Intelligent in the sense that it is aware, conscious and purposeful. It is Infinite in the sense that it has no beginning, no end. It is present everywhere, possesses Infinite knowledge and has unlimited power. It is the source of all creative power and the driving force behind the evolution of consciousness. Overall, Intelligent Infinity is the Primordial Spiral Vibration (Energy) of Love that creates and sustains all things. It is the underlying fabric of all Existence and unifies all things in a single interconnected whole.






























The Lataif Of Islam

The Lataif in the body deal with mans physical body from his soul, and their role is to open the heart to greater depths, ultimately so it can finally perceive (receive sustenance) from the Arsh (throne) of Allah (intelligent infinity) as the prophets did, they bring man closer to Allah and have the dual function of healing the body because if the heart is sound the rest of the body is sound. By simile, the human soul also possesses “vital organs” like the physical body; through which it acquires its knowledge (gnosis/irfan), food and Energy. In simple terms the soul performs various roles for the human body all relating to how man learns and gains knowledge from his environment and experiences in life which serve to help him grow as a person. The human intellect and consciousness are a function of physics and quantum mechanics. One of the things the prophet Muhammad taught is that "human consciousness is the sum of the bodies subatomic fields" generated by its organs, as such it is created from particles and they are subject to the laws of physics, hence this is the core of the relationship between science, spirituality, and religion. “By the soul and how He fashioned it (sawwaha)” (97:1) Allah took an oath by the soul and said it can be moulded and changed,“Yet for all thou didst know, [O Muhammad,] he might perhaps have grown in spirit”(80:3). Lataif points open up the heart to the depths of the unseen world which will result in a person gaining wisdom and becoming sagacious in his nature, the depth of the unseen world ends with the persons heart receiving (knowledge, guidance, wisdom) from the Arsh (throne) of Allah as the prophet (saws) did. "They know but the outer surface of this world's life, whereas of the ultimate [repercussion of] things [in the universe] they are utterly unaware.” [Qur’an 30:7] Shaykh Al Islam Qutb Allah Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai




Their purpose is conquest, service-to-self, unlike those of the Confederation who are in service-to-others. The Orion Group's objective is to locate certain mind/body/spirit complexes (the makeup of entities such as humans, mind is the commander and liaison for body and spirit) which vibrate in resonance with their own and then to enslave the un-elite who are not of the Orion vibration by various means of control or manipulation to serve the self. The problem facing them is that they face a great deal of random energy released by the concept of separation. This causes them to be vulnerable as the understandings amongst their own members are not harmonized. Like the Confederation, the densities of the mass consciousnesses (a society is an example of a mass consciousness) which comprise the group are varied. There are a very few third density, a larger number of fourth density, a similarly large number of fifth density, and very few sixth density entities comprising this organization (Earth is currently a 3rd Density Planet as the densities are aligned to the Energy Centers or Chakras, our Planet is transitioning into 4th Density, the Density of Love). 

Their numbers are perhaps one-tenth ours at any point as the problem of spiritual entropy causes them to experience constant disintegration of their group. Their power is the same as ours. The Law of One (Unity, Love, Free Will) blinks neither at the light nor the darkness, but is available for service-to-others and service-to-self. However, service-to-others results in service-to-self, thus preserving and further harmonizing the understandings of those entities seeking intelligent infinity (God, Allah, Tao, Logos, Ahura Mazda, Akasha, Nada Brahma, Sophia, Brahman) through these disciplines. Those seeking intelligent infinity through the use of service-to-self create the same amount of power but have constant difficulty because of the concept of separation which is implicit in the manifestations of the service-to-self which involve power over others. This weakens and eventually disintegrates the energy collected by these mind/body/spirit complexes who seek and comprise the Orion group. 

It should be noted, carefully pondered, and accepted, that the Law of One is available to any social memory complex (group of likeminded entities) which has decided to strive together for any seeking of purpose, be it service-to-others or service-to-self which are then placed into operation and the illusion of space/time (physical reality) is used as a medium for the development of the results of those choices freely made (Free Will). Thus all entities learn, no matter what they seek. As all entities, they follow The Law of One observing free will. Contact is made with those who seek their vibration of control and power over others. These seeking entities then upon the planetary sphere act much as do those in service-to-others to disseminate the attitudes and philosophy of their particular understanding of the Law of One which is service-to-self. These become the elite. 

Through these elite, the attempt begins to create a condition whereby the remainder of the planetary entities are enslaved by their free will. The Orion Group passes on information concerning the Law of One with the orientation of service-to-self. The information can become technical just as some in the Confederation, in attempts to aid this planet in service-to-others, have provided what you would call technical information. The technology provided by this group is in the form of various means of control or manipulation of others to serve the self. You will recall that we went into some detail as to how those not oriented towards seeking service for others yet, nevertheless, found and could use the gateway to intelligent infinity. 

Those who have found this Light/Love, Love/Light without benefit of a desire for service-to-others nevertheless, by the Law of Free Will, have the right to the use of that Light/Love for whatever purpose. Also, it may be inserted that there are systems of study which enable the seeker of separation to gain these gateways. This study is as difficult as the one which we have described to you, but there are those with the perseverance to pursue the study just as you desire to pursue the difficult path of seeking to know in order to serve. The distortion lies in the effect that those who seek to serve the self are seen by The Law of One as precisely the same as those who seek to serve others, for are all not one? To serve yourself and to serve others is a dual method of saying the same thing, if you can understand the essence of The Law of One.


The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist. We represent what is outside of what you have been taught exists. It is where you sometimes venture and where we want you to dwell; it is outside of where society has told you you can live. You have been controlled like sheep in a pen by those who think they own you, from the government to the world management team to those in space. You have been deprived of knowledge by frequency control. Think of frequency as individual broadcasting and receiving through which you dial into the station of your choice. It is the broadcasting of carrier waves of intelligence. The range of frequency is unlimited, and the range of intelligent matter transmitted is unlimited. Frequency control limits the number of stations you can tune into. The range of accessibility on this planet to a variety of frequencies has been very minimal for a long time because of many things that you most desperately need to become aware of. 

As you learn about your own personal history and discover patterns of ineffectual behavior that you must break and change (orion group mind control), the planet pulses through its own patterns of behavior. You are about to repeat history as a planet in a most dramatic way. You have come to alter and remove the frequency of limitation and to bring in the frequency of information (celestine.vision). When you are informed, you move beyond the need to be in fear. When you feel uninformed and out of control, you do not understand the bigger picture (orion group mind control). Each of you came to awaken something inside yourself, inside the coding of your being, the DNA, and you are responding to it. This is why you are on a search in all directions of your life. Many of the beings who have incarnated came to the united states because this is the land where you can make the most progress (concept of countries and cities is orion group mind control). This also happens to be a land where denial is pervasive. You believe that you live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, yet you live in the most controlled experimental society on the planet (orion group mind control). 

The tyranny that has been set up here is rather interesting, because it is a tyranny without walls. As a country and a collective consciousness, the united states still has not reached an awareness that something is not right. The environment of the united states is actually much more controlled than that of the former soviet union, where the control was obvious. Because everyone is so frightened of giving up the system in the United States, they are going to be forced to give it up. The system is corrupt, it does not work, it does not honor life, and it does not honor Earth. That is the bottom line. If something does not honor life and does not honor Earth, you can bet it is going to fall, and it is going to fall big time. Consciousness must change. This is part of the Divine Plan, and this opportunity and setup are not going to be missed. There has been an over involvement in the material world and a complete lack of understanding of the non-physical world that exists all around you, so there will be a reprioritizing of what comes first in life (orion group mind control). 

People will stand up, once they have lost everything, who had never thought of standing up when they owned everything. People will awaken to the incredible potential of themselves (energy centers, chakras, lataif). In the next few years, a connectedness and communal cooperation will begin to run through this country so that you will stop separating yourselves with respect to political ideology. That separation was designed. Whenever a people are separated, and they focus on what they do not have in common or label themselves different from others, it is a perfect disguise to keep them from discovering what they do have in common. This separation keeps people from banding together and becoming very strong. Much of the political maneuvering going on, particularly in the united states is purposely designed to separate you. Look at the New Age. Do you see how the New Age is separated? All kinds of things are said to keep you from discovering what you have in common. When people discover this, they will begin to get angry. As more and more of the methods of control and separation are revealed to you, the anger will build in the United States. Events will occur that may look as if the country is falling apart, yet they will serve the purpose of bringing people together. A new pride and a new sense of integrity will come about, because this is what is designed for the times. The material realm is one area that everyone relates to. You will see a lot of anger in this country, because many people will feel powerless. 

Anger is one of the first emotions that will occur when people finally understand the manipulation that has been going on and begin to get in touch with their feelings. Modern technology is one of the biggest weapons of frequency control. You have been sold devices for entertainment and convenience, and they are all involved with frequency control. We recommend strongly that you get rid of your television sets. They are the primary tool used to manipulate your consciousness on a day-to-day basis. This experiment is so finely tuned that you respond subliminally to disease via the television. So there is an entire generation that is killing itself by watching television and supporting the medical society while they are doing it. Sometimes liberating information is broadcast perhaps even a New Age show. However, you may watch such a television show about how uplifted and unlimited you can be, while subliminally you are being hit with a frequency that keeps you from original thinking. This subliminal keeps you immobilized and holds you in a "survive, arrive, be on time, be silent, go to work" society (orion group mind control). 

Television also promotes inactivity and a sedentary, obese life. Look around you. Wake up, humans! Most of the subliminals on television are done through technology that was developed in conjunction with off-planetary beings. The use of subliminals to upset human consciousness has become a worldwide program. If you think about the houses that have two, three, and four televisions in them, you must agree that this has been a very successful marketing program. Some people who know about the subliminals on television feel that they are immune to them. However, the effects of television are so permeating that no matter how clear you say you are going to be, you cannot counterbalance what the technology is presently doing to your vibrational frequency. We have said that there are entities who feed off your emotional bodies (orion group mind control and reason for corona virus). Think about what a clever tool television is for them. 

All over the world, billions of humans are emitting emotional juices into the atmosphere based upon what they are watching on the tube. They don't have to have too many wars anymore to get you all riled up, they can simply make movies! People who need to watch television are not tapping into the wealth of information within their minds and immediately accessible all around them. As a matter of fact, if you really want to evolve, do not read your newspapers, do not listen to the radio, and do not watch television. If you are able to be media free for periods of time, and you disengage yourself from the frequency of chaos and anxiety and stress and hustle-bustle and temptations of all kinds that you don't need, you begin to get clear. You begin to listen to what is going on inside of yourself and to live in the world and not necessarily be lost in it. You become clear. We cannot emphasize this enough! Electronics also jam your frequency. Even when they are not specifically designed to jam your frequency, sometimes there is incompatibility between the electronic frequency of something and yourself. Plus, as we said, many of them are designed to create static so that you will always stay at a certain vibratory rate, turning you into safe, harmless, inactive, productive cattle. What about computers? The second most predominant piece of hardware in the united states is the computer. How many of you go to work on computers and end up getting headaches, particularly when you work for large corporations and are hooked up to their mainframe? 

Large companies are into aspects of mind control; they use your minds to generate energy to achieve something for themselves. Personal computers are not as potent and powerful. Some new inventions are going to surface in the nineties very underground inventions, because they will never be given patents to be promoted in the marketplace. There will be a whole underground economy based upon barter, in which certain inventions will be traded between people. There will be technologies that can counteract much of the frequency control: these technologies can change the quality of your air and water, and they can eliminate and seal off your home so that you are an integral of energy and nothing can bombard you. There are technologies that do phenomenal things. Do you understand how technology has been used against you? It has not been used for you. Television is not necessarily bad in itself, but it has been put to ill purpose. 

There is nothing wrong with technology. It is how technology is being used that is the bottom line. That is the difference. The education system is another area where you are controlled. Most of what you are taught is malarkey. You work hard, take loans out, and pay money to learn something that is antiquated before you even set foot in the door, particularly in the realms of scientific, mathematical, psychological, and medical exploration. What do you do when you live in a society that rewards you for degrees? You begin by saying, "I believe that I formulate my world. I believe that I do not need these credentials to define my existence. I can be unique unto myself, sovereign unto myself." Come up with a method or way to explore the world without degrees. 

Education is actually the pursuit of knowledge, and knowledge can come from a walk in the desert. It does not have to come from flipping pages in a book. It is not harmful to explore a little bit of schooling, but don't buy into the idea that what you are being taught is correct. You are controlled and separated by issues that strike at the core of your emotions. The abortion/pro-life issue is not a global issue, it is a national issue. Sometimes it does look as if innocent victims are trampled or stampeded by events that seemingly have nothing to do with them. Of course, that is what you have been taught, that you are powerless, which has never been the case. The pro-life/abortion issue has been purposely orchestrated in the United States by different factions within the government to create a lack of harmony (orion group mind control). 

Divide and conquer, and you own the people. Allow the people choice, freedom, and the ability to continuously improve their lives, and you cannot own them. Whenever people oppose people, those in control benefit, even down to the issue over abortion. How do they benefit? They keep women from uniting with each other and men from uniting with each other here in the United States. They keep people in fear. They convince you, by continuously putting these issues before you, that a woman has no control over the birthing process in her body. You don't need abortion: you never need to get pregnant in the first place if you don't desire it. How? By will. A woman can say to herself, "I am not prepared at this time for a child." Or, alternately, "I am in receptivity of a child." When you own yourself, you will not need permission from the government about what you can do with your own body.

Violence on the streets of major cities is another subtle means of control. The big cities in the united states; los angeles, new york city, washington d.c., and so on are energy buckets, or holes, where energy comes into the north american continent. There has been an increase in violence in these cities because it is known that if unrest can be kept brewing and reported, it can be a likely vehicle for manipulating the entire nation (orion group mind control). These things are purposely set into motion on the physical level and assisted on the etheric level because the more fear that is generated the more those in charge can feed on it. When a woman goes out with her family and is assaulted, and her young son, a seemingly innocent victim, fights the assailants and goes down by knife and dies totally unexpectedly on his vacation, the fear that is promoted throughout multitudes of people feeds many. 

The fear that the war in the middle east brought about was extreme. You have been raped of your life force. If there is anything that you as members of the human species have in common it is that you have been raped for your emotions (orion group mind control). Others have played your emotions as though they were instruments, and they have never let you know the power you have with your emotions. Always this whole story comes back to emotions. Emotions are like tickets that can get you places and plug you in. You are incredibly rich. If you would only realize how wealthy you are with your emotions. The lower vibratory beings, if we may be so bold as to call them that, exist off emotions in a very small range of frequency, emotions that are based on fear, chaos, and violence. The ability to use the human will over the human mind is your ultimate resource. This ability to master the body according to your will is exactly what the people in charge of the planet do not want you to figure out. 

As more of you become sovereign and in charge of your own frequency, those who do not want the new frequency here will bring an opposite frequency to create chaos, confusion, and polarity. Always, whenever a society is on the verge of a huge leap or change, there are diametrically opposed activities.Always look at an issue from the perspective of the bigger picture so that you have neutrality with it, for the picture gets bigger and bigger all the time. The planet is headed for a major confrontation with certain entities. We are simply pointing this out; we are not here to promote fear. Fear is what the other team wants you to feel. We want you to understand that you can change anything you want to change. This is going to be a game of numbers in the future, because you will work together to bring yourselves to a place of empowerment. 

Earth's owners have not wanted humans to understand that their feelings and emotions are like a crop, such as wheat, that can be harvested. If you are in charge of your own harvest, then others cannot take advantage of you and use you unless you decree it. When you operate with a certain frequency and sovereignty, those who wish to control you are not interested in you. They want a fearful, chaotic frequency, which is what nourishes them. Fear and chaos have predominated on this planet because these entities have stirred them up (orion group mind control and reason for corona virus). They have divided and conquered everywhere to create that frequency. When you operate in peace and love and with information, you alter the structure of this place drastically, you bring choice of frequency back to this planet. Since you are a frequency-controlled society, the ability of humanity to create technologies has been limited. In a less controlled society that has greater outreach or travel capabilities through space and greater interchange between systems, technological advances are quite astounding and uplifting. 

Many gifts and influences from outside this planet have been hushed up. Some information has, of course, been given to the planet in many different ways, and the resulting technologies have brought about great changes in lifestyle. One of the changes in lifestyle that occurred during this century was the introduction of movies. A whole new way of influencing thought was brought to the planet by the film industry (orion group mind control and reason for entertainment/hollywood). Just as there is a movie industry on this planet, there are those in space who have a holographic industry. They make holographic insert, dramas that look just like they are real and insert them through portals into your reality. Since these space beings have been around for hundreds of thousands of years, and humanity's frequencies have been controlled, it is quite easy to hoodwink human beings. 

Holographic inserts have been used on Earth to manipulate and control consciousness and to change the story of information to one of disinformation, one of a limited amount of knowledge. As we see it, those who use the holographic inserts are not always after bringing light or information or upliftment to people. They have ulterior motives, although they may pass them off as light. An example of a holographic insert that was put on the planet in the past to change the course of history is the crucifixion of Christ. The drama that was played out and passed on historically to you is not the reality that the Christed One came in to play. A version of this entity's life was molded and designed in a holographic entertainment movie, which was then inserted and played out as if it were real. 

Christ came in as a committee of beings over a period of time. The story that you have been told is a dramatized, marketed version, a very controlled version of who this entity was and is. Part of the Christ drama you have been taught was a holographic insert. Most people would say that we are sacrilegious and of the devil to say this. How can we question what the Bible says? How can we question all of these things? 

Because they were all said and done by patriarchal organizations that promoted themselves. That was all they were. They were utilized to bring back control of the energy on the planet. In reality, the Christed One was sent as a systems buster (me) to bring light through the portal in the middle east. This created a way for many to enter and seed a reality that would prepare the consciousness of humanity for the cycle that will terminate in approximately the next twenty years, depending upon how events proceed (now). The Christed One came not as one entity but as a number of entities, influencing people in humanity's dark hour, an hour when human beings were ready to understand their mysteries. One of the things that was not promoted to you in a very truthful way was that the Christed One was very well accepted. The kind of energy that the Christed beings brought to the planet was received very well.


There are many misconceptions about the idea of godhood. The universes are full of intelligent beings who have, over time, evolved and developed all sorts of capabilities and functions to serve their needs to express themselves creatively. The importance behind existence and consciousness is creativity, and creativity takes many forms. Eons ago, Earth was but a thought in the minds of great beings who had set before themselves the task of creating new forms of existence. Many of these beings affected the creation of this universe, and you have termed them God. In actuality, they were extraterrestrial light bearing energies far removed from Prime Creator. We rarely use the term God with a big G. If we were to use that term, we would be referring to the entity we know as Prime Creator (Intelligent Infinity). 

Prime Creator, in its own personal implosion through Love, endowed all things with consciousness. All things are Prime Creator on Prime Creator's journey. We see ourselves as an extension of Prime Creator, always gathering information, going off on adventures, and doing whatever we need to do to make our lives more interesting and challenging so that we can feed Prime Creator. As we feed Prime Creator through our schemes and our endeavors, we endow Prime Creator with greater energy to give to new creations. We have never gotten close to the entity Prime Creator. Even those of us who are beings of the grandest light vibration do not have the capacity at this stage of our evolution to be in proximity to Prime Creator. We are not prepared enough to handle the intensity of that emanation. It is our desire at some point in our evolution to get a glimpse of and perhaps merge with Prime Creator for a time. We know that this is possible, so it is something we strive for. The evolution of consciousness and the ability to house information is what allows one to come into the proximity of Prime Creator. Many people on Earth have felt that they have merged with God. 

They may have merged with a portion of Prime Creator that best suited their vibration at the time. The total vibration of Prime Creator would destroy the physical vehicle in an instant, because it cannot house that much information. Those that represent "God" to you are but a minute portion of Prime Creator. Even Prime Creator is but a portion of something larger. Prime Creator is always discovering that it is a child of another creation and that it is in a constant process of self-discovery and awareness. Remember, consciousness is within all things, and consciousness was never invented, it simply was. Consciousness is knowing, and your knowing is your closest place to Prime Creator (gnosis). When you trust what you know, you are activating the God within you. At this time, there is a great awareness moving over the planet as to how big the world really is and as to who's who in the world ballgame: not only who's who in the world ballgame, but who's who in the cosmic ballgame.

Just as you have hierarchies upon Earth that you may or may not be aware of, there are hierarchies in the cosmos. You can live within a certain area and not be aware that any hierarchy exists. You can farm your land, pay your taxes, decide not to vote, and simply be oblivious to any bureaucratic political structure. In somewhat the same way, Earth is oblivious to the bureaucratic political structure that operates in the universe. It is important for you to understand that bureaucracies or hierarchies exist, and that these organizations have different experiences of time than you do. Others do not live within the structure of time as you know it. What you call one year perhaps to others may be only one small portion of a day. If you can really begin to comprehend this, you can understand why this planet has seemingly been left to itself for the last few thousand years. Now, activity is beginning to bubble and boil again from the skies, and you will be faced with inserting a vast amount of new knowledge into your paradigms and your belief systems. This planet is in for a culture shock, a big surprise. Those creator gods who rearranged the human species are returning (the orion group)

This planet has been visited over and over again, and many different forms of human being have been seeded here through a variety of experiments. There have been many influential factors that have created the course of history on Earth. There have been civilizations on this planet that have existed for millions of years that have come and gone and not left a trace. These civilizations, each and every one of them, were influenced by those you may term God. Your history has been influenced by a number of light beings whom you have termed God. In the Bible, many of these beings have been combined to represent one being, when they were not one being at all, but a combination of very powerful extraterrestrial light-being energies and were glorified and worshipped (orion group mind control tactic of religion, not God but Reptiles are being worshipped). 

There is no literature on Earth that gives you a true picture of these beings. All of the gods came here to learn and to enhance their own development through working with creativity, consciousness, and energy. Some became very successful and mastered their own lessons, while some made quite devastating errors. Who were these gods from ancient times? They were beings who were able to move reality and to command the spirits of nature to bend to their will. Humans have traditionally called beings god, with a little g, who could do things that the human race could not do. These beings were passed down through the ancient cultures of many societies, portrayed as winged creatures and balls of light (orion group mind control tactic of disinformation to make humanity believe these gods were only myth, ancient cultures provided factual eye witness accounts of gods by humans). 

The world is permeated with hints, clues, and artifacts of who your gods have been. However, those who wished to manipulate humans made up their own stories to create a paradigm that would control you. You were told that these beings were truly gods, and you were taught to worship, obey, and adore them (orion group mind control tactic of religion to make you worship them, malevolent gods). This paradigm is now on the verge of making a gigantic shift. The Truth is going to come forward, a Truth that will completely change the way you view the world. Woe be to those who are unwilling to look. The shock reverberations are going to move around the world. The creator gods (the orion group) who have been ruling this planet have the ability to become physical, though mostly they exist in other dimensions. They keep Earth in a certain vibrational frequency while they create emotional trauma to nourish themselves (orion group mind control and reason for corona virus, 9/11 and all wars).

There are some beings who honor life before everything else, and there are also beings who do not honor life and do not understand their connection to it. Consciousness feeds consciousness. It is hard for you to understand this concept because you feed yourself with food. The food for some beings is consciousness. All food contains consciousness at some point in its own development, whether you fry it, boil it, or pick it from the garden; you ingest it to keep yourself nourished. Your emotions are food for others. When you are controlled to bring about havoc and frenzy, you are creating a vibrational frequency that supports the existence of these others because that is how they are nourished (orion group mind control tactic of corona virus, 9/11 and all wars). There are those who live off the vibration of Love, and that group would like to reestablish the food of Love on this planet. 

They would like to turn this universe into the frequency of Love so that it can have the opportunity to go out and seed other worlds.When human beings existed in their rightful domain and could understand many realities, they had the ability to be multi-dimensional, to be one and equal with the benevolent gods. You are beginning to awaken this identity within yourself. The malevolent gods (the orion group) raided this reality. Just like corporate raiders in your time come in and take over a business because perhaps the pension funds are in great abundance, so the funds upon this planet were in great abundance at the time these raider gods appeared. In order to have you believe they were Gods with a big G, they rearranged you genetically (orion matrix mind control tactic of bio-engineering the human with ONLY the double helix, chromosome 2 fusion, pp1 brain degeneration molecule). 

That is when the Family of Light (benevolent gods) was scattered from the planet, and the dark team, which operated out of ignorance, came in. Your bodies carry a fear and a memory of striving for the knowledge that those benevolent gods represented which was taken away from you. They can do many kinds of manipulations and work with realities in many different ways. Humans, in ignorance (and orion group mind control), began to call these space creatures (the orion group) God with a big G (any religious individual has actually been worshipping the orion group who have enslaved you). God with a big G has never visited this planet as an entity. God with a big G is in all things (panentheism). You have only dealt with gods with a little g who have wanted to be adored and to confuse you, and who have thought of Earth as a principality, a place that they own out in the galactic fringes of this free will universe.Before the raid (by the orion group), you had tremendous abilities. 

The original biogenetic example of the human was given incredible information, was inter-dimensional, and could do many things. When those malevolent creator gods raided (the orion group), they found that the local species knew too much. The local species had abilities that were too much like those who were passing themselves off as God (the basis for orion group tactic of religion as a means for mind control to have the malevolent gods, the orion group, be viewed as God with a big G which was never true but since you have free will you can believe the not true, the non-sense). A biogenetic manipulation was done, and there was much destruction (orion group mind control tactic of bio-engineering the human with ONLY the double helix, chromosome 2 fusion, pp1 brain degeneration molecule). There were experimental versions of the species brought onto the planet, where the original database was scattered but not destroyed. At one time, your DNA was intact. 

It was like a beautiful library where the information was all catalogued and referenced and you could find anything you wanted to find instantly. When the biogenetic alteration occurred to unplug the data, it was as if someone hid the reference system and pulled all the books off the shelves and heaped them into a pile on the door so that there was no order to them. This is how your DNA was scattered and scrambled by the raiders a long time ago. We are telling you a story now; there is definitely a story to this. We speak not to your logical mind but to your memory banks, so that you can begin to remember participating in this story. In this way, you will begin to understand what has happened and who you are within this process.All of the genetic information was scattered; it did not have an order, but it was left inside the cells. The only information that remained for you to play with and to keep you functioning was the double helix. Many of the databases along the double helix were shut down, closed, so that you began to function with very little data. You were very easy to manipulate and control by many aspects of consciousness passing themselves off as God with a big G. Certain entities took the existing species, which was indeed a glorious species, and retooled it for their own uses, their own needs (the orion group enslavement of humans). They disrupted the informational frequency inside human beings, changed the DNA, and gave you the double helix so that you could be kept in ignorance (orion group mind control tactic of bio-engineering the human, chromosome 2 fusion, pp1 brain degeneration molecule). Your frequency of accessibility was simply shut off so that you couldn't turn the dial of your own radio. 

These creator gods (the orion group) set out to alter the DNA inside the human body, which is the intelligence, the blueprint, the code. If a code does not have a place to operate within, it cannot fire itself into existence or express itself into existence. If you are locked up in a little tiny room and never given any place to grow, you can never express yourself. The last number of thousand years, your code has been forced to fit inside a very limited DNA. One of the most exciting aspects about being on Earth right now is that there is a reordering or a retooling taking place in your DNA. Cosmic rays are coming onto the planet so that a change is being broadcasted and a reordering is taking place inside the body. 

The scattered data that holds the history and awareness of the Living Library is now lining up. The DNA is evolving. New helixes or strands are being formed as the light encoded filaments are beginning to bundle themselves together. The scattered data is being pulled together in your body by electromagnetic energies from Prime Creator. We are here to watch this process in you, to assist you, and to evolve ourselves as well. As this rebundling or reordering comes together, you will create a more evolved nervous system that will allow much more data to move itself into your consciousness. 

You will awaken many brain cells that have been lying dormant, and you will come into use of your full physical body rather than the small percentage that you have been functioning with (transfiguration, evolution through gnosis and Love Energy). Every place on the planet is being affected by this change, this awareness, it can create chaos. It will create chaos. This is why you must ground yourselves. 

Chaos brings about a state of reorganization when utilized properly. Time is collapsing, and the energy is becoming larger and larger. Many people will suddenly begin to feel this energy without any preparation at all. You are all pulling light, which is data and information, onto the planet, and as you do this you create new pathways for consciousness to explore without even saying a word. The new pathways of consciousness create new realities, new options, and new ways of living and being. 

That is why the collapse of your society is inevitable: It does not hold light; it does not hold the multi-dimensional possibilities; it holds you in limitation, and you are tired of that. The malevolent creator gods (the orion group) are space beings who have their own home in space. They are also evolving. There are those who would like to kick them out of the "creator god club" because they feel that they do not value the life that they create. Before the takeover about 300,000 years ago, many of the original team worked here to bring information and create this vast information center that was to be used to connect many galactic systems. 

Then there was a great war among the benevolent and malevolent creator gods; whose stories are in the ancient manuscripts of this planet, who won the fight (factual events, orion group mind control tactic of disinformation to make you believe they were myths). They came here because they wanted this place for many of their own reasons (enslavement of humans for use, such as emotions, the same way we have enslaved animals for food, no difference, you are treated the same way as the cows and pigs for usage, nothing more). In Prime Creator's universe here, all things are allowed (which is your individual free will, you are enslaved because your free will has been used against you via orion group mind control). Because all things are allowed, many lessons are learned. Some of these creator gods (the orion group) married and merged their lines, just as on the European continent different monarchs and royal families have married and merged their kingdoms. The creator gods (the orion group) would mix one kind with another to see what they could create. Remember, they understood genetics, and all things were created by manifesting and using the life force and understanding how the life force works. It is beyond your comprehension at this time on how vast this project has been.Who are these beings who came in and rent asunder the original plans for Earth? Who are these space beings we sometimes refer to as the Dark T-Shirts? 

Understand that they are uninformed, and they create systems that are uninformed because that is how they believe they must operate. They fought at one time and separated themselves from knowledge, so now they desperately hold onto their existing knowledge and onto life as they have evolved it into being. It is life based on fear, life that does not honor other life, life that uses other life. Who are these beings? They are the reptiles (the orion group). These space beings are part human and part reptilian. We call them the Lizzies because we like to make things a little less emotional and a little humorous so that you don't take them so seriously and get so upset. We are not here to frighten you, we are here to inform you. 

You know all of this inside you, and as you begin to open the history of who you are, some of you will begin to access reptilian memories. You are under a delusion if you believe that you always incarnate as human beings. You incarnate to experience creation, to gather information about creation, and to comprehend it collectively. You certainly don't go into just one experience. It would be like eating dinner at the same restaurant your whole life and then saying, "I know all about food." It's foolishness. Begin to expand your boundaries and realize that you have to experience many things. There is brilliance within all life. Creator gods take many forms, and they are not all Lizzies. 

There are creator gods who are insect-like. We Pleiadians are associated with the creator gods that are bird-like and reptilian. There were those who came from space and worked with the energy of the birds in many different cultures. If you look at the drawings of ancient cultures in Egypt, South America, and North America, you will see signs of the birds and reptiles. At one time, the birds and the reptiles worked together, and at other times they fought. As you comprehend more, the story will get larger. You will begin to remember your history. The creator gods are very connected to you. When you decide to become a parent, you agree to learn from your children, to be responsible for their welfare, and to teach them to become responsible for themselves. It is the same with the creator gods. 

Through watching you grow, they are learning about life; they are learning about what they create; they are learning how to be good parents, so to speak. Some creator gods created life just to have it take care of them or meet their needs (service-to-self philosophy, the basis for human enslavement). They have fed off your emotions (you are just orion group livestock, milked like a cow for fear, anxiety, worry, distress, disharmony). One of the big secrets that has been kept from you as a species is the richness and wealth that accompanies emotion. You have been steered away from exploring emotion because through emotion you can figure things out. Your emotions connect you with the spiritual body (energy centers, chakras, lataif). 

The spiritual body, of course, is non-physical, existing on the multi-dimensional sphere.The range of frequency modulation has now been shifted, and energies from the outside are working to alter the planet. These energies deed you. They cannot alter the planet from the outside, the planet must be altered from the inside (Energy of Love from you through gnosis). The energies simply bring in creative cosmic rays that penetrate your body and create the evolutionary leap inside your body. Once you understand the proper use of emotion and begin to get control over your own frequency, you will be able to broadcast these rays. Then, you will not feed the frequency of fear to this plane of existence. As the frequency of fear begins to diminish upon this planet, many activities will be promulgated to bring about an increase in fear because those who live off the fearful frequency will be losing their nourishment, their food (basis of orion group mind control tactic of corona virus). 

They will make an attempt to reinstate that frequency before they change their nourishment to the new frequency of Love. The Lizzies have set Earth up with devices that can broadcast and magnify the emotional turmoil on this planet. That turmoil is sent to them, and it sustains them in some way. In order to come to a planet, you must have a portal or way to get into it. You could fly into space, say to Jupiter, but if you never find the portal that allows you to enter the planet's time frame of existence, you could land on a place that looks desolate and without life. Portals allow you to enter the dimension of the planet where life exists. Portals open onto the corridors of time and serve as zones of multi-dimensional experience. There have been different portals on Earth that have allowed different species, creator gods from space, to insert themselves. One of the huge portals that presently is being fought over is the portal of the Middle East. If you think back over the history of Earth, you will recognize how many dramas of religion and civilization have been introduced in that portal. It's a huge portal with a radius of a thousand miles or so. This is why there is so much activity in the middle east. This is the portal that the Lizzies use. To some extent, the Lizzies have controlled this portal. They have used this area to create their underground bases and caverns, from which they operate. 

The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, was a space colony where a certain civilization was introduced, kuwait sits at the mouth of this territory. This is a portal that involves manipulation of the human population to serve the needs of others. Within the Lizzie population, there are those who are benevolent and those who are malevolent. Why are we telling you all this? Why do you need to know it? You need to know it because the Lizzie reality is reentering and merging with your dimension. Part of your evolutionary leap in consciousness is not simply to go into Love and Light. You must comprehend how complex reality is, how many different forms of reality there are, and how they are all you. You must make peace with them and merge with them to create an implosion of the collection of your soul. 

In this way, you can come back to Prime Creator. You are going to be faced with many opportunities to judge many things and label them as bad. But, when you judge and label, you will not experience and feel the new realities. Always remember that this is a free will zone and that there is a Divine Plan, which is going to be the last plan, the last card to be played. You all must remember that this last card is going to be an ace (celestine.vision). The nature of the drama on this planet is quite interesting. Whenever there is a frequency modulation of an existing system, there is a certain magnetism that moves out from that system. This magnetism draws every energy that was ever involved with that system back to the system so that it can be part of the evolution or process. You are magnetizing everything to yourself that you have ever experienced so that you can feel everything you need to feel about it. 

The malevolent creator gods of ancient times are being drawn back here at this time because of the Divine Plan. They must participate in it and understand that their frequencies are going to be changed. They are resisting this, just like many humans are resisting. Yet, they create their own realities. These malevolent creator gods (the orion group) of the last 300,000 years have forgotten who created them! They have forgotten their gods. Your task is comprehension: to pull comprehension and understanding onto the planet, which will stabilize the energy and generate the power to create (celestine.vision will allow you to achieve the pulling of comprehension and understanding to stabilize the Energy to one of Love instead of the current Energy of fear, the reason for corona virus). Light is underestimated on this planet, and these creator gods underestimate you. 

They are so enamored of power that they fight amongst themselves. The creator gods gave up a portion of themselves and became ensconced, enamored with their own project. You are linked to these beings because you are extensions or operable forces of them. You are here to affect reality not simply from the outside but from the inside. It is this that you are intending to remember (gnosis).The malevolent creator gods (the orion group) are coming back to raid you again because they don't want to starve (the reason for corona virus, which is feeding them using fear, anxiety, worry, disharmony). They understand that there is "systems busting" going on through you, so they are here to create greater havoc and fear, to fight once again for this territory. Their food source is important to them. 

They are losing control of the planet, so they are going back to their prime portal in the Middle East, where their nest is located underneath the ground, to create fear and chaos (orion group mind control tactic of corona virus). The Original Planners wish to bring freedom of choice with respect to frequency back to this planet. The gods who have been in charge here for this last period of evolution use frequency modulation and do not allow freedom of choice. They rob your psychic energy by giving you a false picture of reality in every way that you could possibly imagine (orion group mind control and reason for entertainment/hollywood). You do not realize that these situations are setups to get you to think or feel a certain way and to vibrate with a certain consciousness. You had best, all of you, give up your old definitions of Santa Claus. In the same way that you discovered the truth about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, you are going to discover that there is a cover up, a story, an idealized version around many of these energies that you have worshiped as gods. The predominant energy on this planet siphons your belief systems according to its own will (orion group mind control). 

It directs incredible flows of energy outward, and this energy is alive. You have been told that all of your thoughts make a world: they are real, they go some place. There are five and a half billion people thinking right now. That much energy is alive on Earth. What is the predominant feeling within that energy, and what can this energy be convinced or coerced to exhibit? We are not here to say who is right and who is wrong and who is who within the hierarchy. We simply want to bust your illusions, to pop your balloons about what you have been led to believe. We do not want to say that it is wrong; we simply want to suggest to you that you think bigger. Feel the noticeable loss that is going to occur within this predominant energy when more and more of you don't vibrate according to its plan. Think what you can do when you overcome the frequency modulation or the insistence of your logical mind and when, with impeccability, you stand clean as a Keeper of Frequency (frequency of Love). 

Your identity as a frequency is the sum total of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies broadcast as electromagnetic pulsations. Every time you begin to own what someone has been siphoning off and to cultivate it according to your own will, you change the vibration on the planet (from fear to Love). There is no stopping the evolution, for there is nothing that has been given to the planet that represents the ultimate in Truth (until now). As you summon the story of your reptilian past, you will find that many of the influential characters in the patriarchal system of history have indeed been part of the reptile family (proverbial Adam and Eve story from religion is orion group mind control. The serpent is wisdom, representing kundalini. Enki gives apple to Eve to signify the Love of God, the Gift, from the Tree, the serpent is in the Tree to signify our interconnected relationship, which is also represented as the Tree of Life, which is the kundalini serpent in Humans which requires Trees to initialize, develop, sustain our Lataif: Sumerian depiction is Truth).

Just as all humans are not bad, it is the same with the reptilians. They are no less a part of Prime Creator than you are, and their visage and physiology is not one of lesser means. Master geneticists are capable of occupying many different forms. It is quite understood that part of the difficulty of working with an isolated species is the shock that can occur with the complete revelation of Truth. There have been many other creator gods, only some of which have had human form. Presently, your greatest state of unrest or discomfort comes from beings of a reptilian type of existence because they seem the most foreign to you. It has been our intention to expand your ideas of who your gods are because those gods will be returning to Earth. 

That is why the planet is going through such great turmoil. As you learn to hold the frequencies coming from the creative cosmic rays, you will be prepared to meet these gods. As we have said, some of them are already here. They walk your streets and participate in your academies, your government, and your workplaces. They are here to observe, and they are here to direct energy. Some come for great assistance, and some are here to learn and evolve. Some do not have the highest of intentions. You must understand how to discern the extraterrestrial energies. This is a free will universe, so all forms of life are allowed here. If an energy attempts to frighten you, manipulate you, or control you, it is not an energy that would be in your highest interest to work with. You have a choice of who you work with. Just because someone has evolved many fantastic and seemingly magic abilities does not necessarily mean that that entity is evolved spiritually. Learn to discern.You are living in a most important time when energy is coming alive. All you are feeling is the result of you coming alive and awakening to your hidden potentials. The wind is whipping around, showing you there are great stirrings in the air. 

The gods are here. You are these gods. As you awaken to your history, you will begin to open your ancient eye (Third Eye). This is the eye of Horus, which see not through the eye of a human being but from the point of view of a god. They see the connectedness and purpose of all things, for the ancient eye is able to see into many realities and to connect the whole picture, the whole history. When you open the ancient eye within yourselves, you will not only be able to connect with your own whole personal history, you will be able to connect with the planetary history, the galactic history, and the universal history. Then, indeed, you will find out who your gods are.


It's been 47 years since Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson contacted the Jackson County Sheriff's Office claiming they were abducted by aliens. Recently, a recording, said to be made that night of what they told Sheriff Fred Diamond and Capt. Glenn Ryder, has surfaced.

"It was about the time the coronavirus hit," Parker, of Moss Point, said of when he received two copies of the recording. "I'd been talking with him on the internet. He just showed up at my house."

Parker explained the man who gave him copies of the recording was an officer with the Pascagoula Police Department on the night the abduction occurred, but does not want to be identified. Parker said the officer was involved because he fielded roughly 50 phone calls that night from people claiming to have seen something unusual in the sky.

"When I sat down and listened to it, it hit me how real all of this was," Parker said. "It kind of choked me up a little bit. I'd never heard it, not the full recording, just the piece where Charlie and I were locked in the room and they walked out. I was surprised they had the whole thing on tape."

At the time, Parker said he did not know there was a recorder in the room. "I had no idea," Parker said. Apparently, Charlie didn't, either.

The interview took place on Oct. 11, 1973 after Parker and Hickson claimed they were abducted by aliens while fishing from the bank of the Pascagoula River.

News of the event thrust the two into the media spotlight and put the town of Pascagoula on the map. It was unwanted attention for Parker, who tried to distance himself from it. However, events in Parker's life led him to feel he needed to tell his story and he published a book in 2018 detailing his experience.

Once again, the event became the center of attention for many and Clarion Ledger published stories about the book and other people claiming to have witnessed unidentified objects in the sky that night. Now, the 47-year-old story continues with release of the interview recording.

In a 2018 interview with the Clarion Ledger, Parker said he noticed blue light reflecting off the water and his initial thought was law enforcement officers had arrived to tell the two fishermen they needed to leave the property. However, when Parker looked up, he realized the light was coming from a craft like nothing he'd ever seen.

"A big light came out of the clouds," Parker said. "It was a blinding light. It was hard to tell with the lights so bright, but it looked like it was shaped like a football. I would say, just estimating, (it was) about 80-foot. (It made) very little sound. It was just a hissing noise."

Parker said three legless creatures floated from the craft. One had no neck with gray wrinkled skin. Another had a neck and appeared more feminine. Parker described their hands as being shaped like mittens or crab claws.

When one of the creatures put one of its claws around his arm, Parker said he was terrified, but then another feeling came over his body.

"I think they injected us with something to calm us down," Parker said. "I was kind of numb and went along with the program."

Parker said the creatures held his and Hickson's arms and floated them into the craft where examinations were performed on the two. Then they were returned to the bank of the river. After some debate, the two decided they needed to alert authorities and ended up in an interview room at the sheriff's office. During the interview, Parker remained silent, something he regretted when he listened to the recording.

"I was wishing I'd really opened up to them and told them everything," Parker said.

Hickson, who has since died, tried to explain during the 1973 interview what happened and what he saw, including going into the craft.

"And they glided me into that thing, you know, how you just guide somebody," Hickson said. "All of us moved like we were floating through air. When I got in there they had me, you know, they just kind of had me there. There were no seats, no chain, they just moved me around. I couldn't resist them. I just floated, felt no sensation, no pain. They kept me in that position a little while, then they'd raise me back up."

Hickson also tried to describe a machine he thought was used for a medical examination.

"No, it wasn't like no x-ray machine," Hickson said. "There ain't no way to describe it. It looked like an eye, like a big eye. It had some kind of an attachment to it. It moved. It looked like a big eye and it went all over my body, up and down. And then they left me."

Hickson answered many questions and described the aliens as being about five feet tall with a single leg and foot-like appendage without toes. He said they had what appeared to be ears, a nose and a mouth, but none of the features looked human. He said he was so scared he couldn't remember if they had eyes. He also said he couldn't remember details about leaving the craft, only Parker's reaction.

"The only thing I remember is that kid, Calvin, just standing there," Hickson said.

"I've never seen that sort of fear on a man's face as I saw on Calvin's. It took me a while to get him back to his senses, and the first thing I told him was, son, ain't nobody gonna believe this. Let's just keep this whole thing to ourselves."

"Well, the more I thought about it, the more I thought I had to let some officials know."

After the questioning, Diamond and Ryder left the room. Ryder, now retired and living in Vancleave, said he didn't believe any of Hickson's story.

"I wasn't really impressed with them," Ryder said. "You have people trying to get notoriety and I thought they were trying to get notoriety with a spaceship."

While Parker and Hickson were alone, the hidden recorder was still recording. What was recorded changed Ryder's mind.

The two talked about fear, sleeplessness and needing to see a doctor among other things. At times, it was almost like they were talking to themselves.

"Jesus Christ, God have mercy, I thought I'd been through enough of hell on this earth and now I've got to go through something like this, see, Hickson said. But they could have, you know, I guess they, well, they could have harmed us, son. They had us. They could have done anything to us, but they didn't hurt me."

Parker spoke mainly about his anxiety. "I just want to cry right now," Parker said. "What's so damn bad about it is nobody's going to believe us. I got to get home and get to bed and take some nervous pills or something, see a doctor or something. I can't stand this. I'm about to go all to pieces. I can't sleep like it is. I'm damn near crazy."

The two continued talking and Ryder still remembers Parker's words.

"I put them in a room with a voice-activated recorder and that convinced me," Ryder said. "When that boy was talking about them coming back to get us, you had an 18-year-old boy that had never seen anything like this. He was genuinely scared." He was telling Charlie, "Don't talk to the deputies. They'll come back and get us."

"They didn't make it up. I can guarantee that."

Hickson's Story

"Calvin was working for me at Walker's Shipyard, and doing a dadgum good job. Calvin and his brother had sorta grown up with my oldest boy, Eddie. Some evenings after work, we'd go fishing. We got off about 4 o'clock that day and came by my house to get the fishing tackle, then we went and got some shrimp for bait. We tried several places and hadn't caught anything."

I said, "Calvin, there's one more place I want to try. If they don't bite there, we'll give it up and go on home."

"So we went down toward Ingalls and started fishing off a pier. We sat there for a while, and I finally got a bite. I was reeling in and started hearing this hissing sound. Like steam coming out of a pipe."

"I looked around, and it just startled me. Something was hovering two or three feet above the ground, probably no more than 10 or 15 yards from us. There were two blue flashing lights on the top part of the end that was toward us. I couldn't tell if it was round or oblong. I could see a little dome on top, but I couldn't see all the way around the thing so I couldn't tell for sure how big it was."

"I jumped to my feet, looked over at Calvin, and he looked plumb strange. Then a door opened and this brilliant light came out of it. I couldn't figure what in the world was happening. I've known fear. I fought 20 months in hand-to-hand combat in Korea. The only thing I'm scared of is a snake. I'll run from a snake. But this wasn't normal."

"All of a sudden, these three things began coming out of that door. They looked like they had elephant skin. Wrinkled. Real wrinkled. And triangle shaped ears that had to be some sort of antennas. These things were robots. They seemed to come right out of that beam of light. They never touched the ground. They moved right out there beside me and Calvin."

"I couldn't move, and neither could he. Two of 'em came around behind me, took me under each arm."

"When they grabbed me, I seemed to rise to their height. They weren't as tall as me, but they sorta had me in a leaning position."

"One took hold of Calvin, and I saw him go limp. He told me later that he fainted. They took us through that doorway, in the middle of a room, and I couldn't see Calvin anymore. There was nothing in there ... just a real bright glow. I couldn't move anything but my eyes."

"They let go of me. I still wasn't touching nothing, just kinda floating. All I could think was, what are they gonna do with us? I figured they'd take us off, and we'd never see our families again. I didn't see (the robots) for a while."

"Then an eyeball, about the size of a football, came out of the wall. It moved right in front of my face. I saw dials and gadgets moving around. It went behind me, then came back over me. Then it disappeared back into the wall."

"I was just about out of my mind. I thought they were gonna kill me. Folks would think we fell off in the river and drowned, and nobody would ever know about this."

"It seemed like a long time, but it couldn't have been more than a few minutes. (The robots) came and carried me back outside. They didn't throw me down, they eased me down. And when they did, I fell to the ground. My legs were real weak."

"I saw Calvin standing there, staring out at the water. He was in shock. I've seen men in shock, and if you don't do something pretty quick, they'll die. I started going over to where he was, and I saw the craft leave. The blue lights were on again, I remember that."

"When I got to Calvin, I had to slap him a time or two. I finally got him to where he could say something." He said, "Charlie, what in the world was that?" I said "Son, I don't know. But they didn't kill us.“

As they drove away in Parker's Plymouth, Hickson and Parker agreed not to tell anyone about the incident.

"I knew people would call us crazy and everything else," Hickson says. "But I thought about it some more and said, what if it's a threat to our country? That's when I decided to call Keesler (Air Force Base in Biloxi)."

The person who answered the phone at Keesler said they didn't investigate UFOs and suggested Hickson call the sheriff's department.

That's when Hickson spoke with Glenn Ryder from a convenience store pay phone.

He said, "I want to tell you something, but you've got to promise not to laugh," recalls Ryder, now 63 and retired. "I was about to get off work, so it kinda aggravated me. I said, if you want to tell me something, then tell me."

He asked me again to promise not to laugh, so I promised.

He said, "I just got picked up by a UFO." And, of course, I busted out laughing. "He got real upset, so I apologized and told him to go ahead with his story. I could tell he was serious."

Ryder convinced Hickson and Parker to drive to the sheriff's office. He called Jackson County sheriff Fred Diamond, now deceased, to join him for the questioning.

Ryder remembers when they walked in, Charlie said, "I just want to tell you up front, I've had a drink. I had to do something to try and settle my nerves."

"The young boy was real fidgety. He was about to crawl the walls." Hickson and Parker told the officers what had happened. Ryder says it was a struggle to keep a straight face. Then he and Diamond plotted to find out the truth.

"We kept a tape recorder in the top drawer of the desk," Ryder says. "It was a small office, so it would pick up everything said in there. We let them go to the bathroom and decided to turn the recorder on, then leave them alone for a while. We did that, and when we listened to the tape later, we expected to hear them saying, boy, we sure fooled them' or something like that."

But they didn't. Here is the transcript from the hidden recorder.

Parker: "I got to get home and get to bed or get some nerve pills or see the doctor or something. I can't stand it. I'm about to go half crazy."

Hickson: "I tell you, when we're through, I'll get you something to settle you down so you can get some damn sleep."

Parker: "I can't sleep yet like it is. I'm just damn near crazy."

Hickson: "Calvin, when they brought you out - when they brought me out of that thing - (expletive) I like to never in hell got you straightened out."

Parker: "My damn arms, my arms. I remember they just froze up and I couldn't move. Just like I stepped on a damn rattlesnake."

Hickson: "They didn't do me that way."

Parker: "I passed out. I expect I never passed out in my whole life."

Hickson: "I've never seen nothing like that before in my life. You can't make people believe ..."

Parker: "I don't want to keep sitting here. I want to see a doctor."

Hickson: "They better wake up and start believing."

Parker: "You see how that damn door come right up?"

Hickson: "I don't know how it opened, son. I don't know."

Parker: "I just laid up, and just like that, those (expletive)come out."

Hickson: "I know. You can't believe it. You can't make people believe it."

Parker: "I paralyzed right then. I couldn't move."

Hickson: "They won't believe it. They gonna believe it one of these days. Might be too late. I knew all along they was people from other worlds up there. I knew all along. I never thought it would happen to me."

Parker: "You know yourself I don't drink."

Hickson: "I know that, son. When I get to the house, I'm gonna get me another drink, make me sleep. Look, what we sitting around for? I got to go tell Blanche ... what we waiting for?"

Parker: "I gotta go to the house. I'm getting sick. I gotta get out of here."

Hickson leaves the room, and Parker is left alone.

Parker: "It's hard to believe ... Oh, God, it's awful. I know there's a God up there."

Parker begins to pray. His words become inaudible.

When he got home, Hickson told his wife what had happened and where he had been.

"I was like everybody else ... I had a hard time believing it," Blanche Hickson says. "But three or four hours later, I knew something was wrong. I was up all night, wiping sweat off of him. He'd jump straight up in the bed. He was scared to death."


Questioner: You said that some of the landings at this time were of the Orion group. Why did the Orion group land here? What is their purpose?

Ra: I am Ra. Their purpose is conquest, unlike those of the Confederation who wait for the calling. The Orion group calls itself to conquest. As we have said previously, their objective is to locate certain mind/body/spirit complexes which vibrate in resonance with their own vibrational complex, then to enslave the un-elite, as you may call those who are not of the Orion vibration.

Questioner: Was the landing at Pascagoula in 1973 when Charlie Hickson was taken aboard this type of landing?

Ra: I am Ra. The landing of which you speak was what you would call an anomaly. It was neither the Orion influence nor our peoples in thoughtform, but rather a planetary entity of your own vibration which came through quarantine in all innocence in a random landing.

Questioner: What did they do to Charlie Hickson when they took him on board?

Ra: I am Ra. They used his mind/body/spirit complex’s life experience, concentrating upon the experience of the complexes of what you call war.

Questioner: How did they use them?

Ra: I am Ra. The use of experience is to learn. Consider a race who watches a movie. It experiences a story and identifies with the feelings, perceptions, and experiences of the hero.

Questioner: Was Charlie Hickson originally of the same social memory complex of the ones who picked him up?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity of vibratory sound complex did not have a connection with those who used him.

Questioner: Did those who used him use his war experiences to learn more of the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Did the entities who picked him up have the normal configuration? His description of them was rather unusual.

Ra: I am Ra. The configuration of their beings is their normal configuration. The unusualness is not remarkable. We ourselves, when we chose a mission among your peoples, needed to study your peoples for had we arrived in no other form than our own, we would have been perceived as light.

Questioner: What density were the entities who picked up Charlie Hickson from?

Ra: I am Ra. The entities in whom you show such interest are third-density beings of a fairly advanced order. We should express the understanding to you that these entities would not have used the mind/body/spirit complex, Charlie, except for the resolve of this entity before incarnation to be of service.

Questioner: What was the home or origin of the entities who picked up Charlie?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities are of the Sirius galaxy.

On Mother's Day, May 1974, Hickson was riding back from a family get-together in Jones County with his wife, their youngest son (Curtis), their daughter (Sheila) and the man she was married to at the time.

"It was almost midnight," Hickson says, and I kept noticing a light back behind us. I nudged Sheila, who was sitting on the front seat beside me, and said, "Look out that window and see if that light ain't following us."

She looked out the window and just froze. Blanche saw it and started screaming.

Seconds later, a saucer-shaped craft was hovering 150 feet above, and to the right, of their car.

"I saw it with my own eyes," says Sheila Hynum of Vicksburg, who was 18 at the time. "Mama was so scared, she was screaming."

"It was a terrifying thing to see," Blanche Hickson says. "It affected me bad. Tore me up. We stopped the car and Charles wanted to get out, but I wouldn't let him. We were all grabbing him and holding him."

"It hovered there a while, then just disappeared."

Charles Hickson, whose 1983 book UFO: Contact at Pascagoula will be re-issued in November, says that wasn't the first sighting he'd had since the initial encounter.

While squirrel hunting in February 1974, he knelt down beside a tree to eat a sandwich. Through the brush, he says, part of a craft was visible.

Suddenly, he heard a voice.

"It was like a radio signal or something inside my head," he says.

They said, "Tell people we mean you no harm. You have endured. You have been chosen. There is no need for fear. Your world needs help. We will help before it is too late. You are not prepared to understand. We will return again soon."
(Charles Hickson's service this incarnation - The first human to collaborate with an advanced entity to save the human race.)

(I'm the second.)

"I picked up my gun and came straight home."

The same voice, with the same message, came to him again a month later in his backyard. Since then, he says, all the fear has left him.

"I want to go to that world - wherever it is they came from," he says. "I don't think they'd carry me if they couldn't bring me back. And if they ever decide to destroy this world, they might save a few of the people. I'd like to think I'd be one of those."

Well past midnight now, Hickson gets up from his chair, leaves the den, and returns with a large brown envelope. He pulls out

several X-rays and shows them to the visiting reporter.

"See that little mole-looking thing behind my (right) eye?" he says, holding the image over the lamp. "I think they implanted something in there. I've been to the VA hospital in New Orleans twice. Been to a cancer doctor at Tulane University. Nobody can figure out what it is."

"Me, I think it's maybe how they keep track of me. It doesn't hurt. Doesn't affect my vision. It just showed up when they were taking pictures of the arteries in my neck."

"Strange, ain't it?"


"We are only here in order to fulfil our mission and the prevention of the catastrophe and to prepare you for your difficult assignment as prophet. For further things, like help with evolution and so forth, other forms of life from your own universe are responsible, who will initially call themselves Pleiadians. Already for millennia, they supervise the Earth and keep those space-faring races in check who wish evil for you Earth-humans and want to gain control over Earth humanity with the employment of religion and all the related deceptions, hallucinations, and trickery with which they buoy up the Earth-humans with false promises.


No life is able to exist without Love and without the Light of Truth. However, no Light is able to exist without Love and Truth, and no Truth is able to exist without Light and Love. True LOVE, is True BEING, and it is the everlasting warmth from the centre of Creation, which is described as True EXISTENCE.

Love is the highest principle of Creation, and through it, everything exists in absolute logic. The Love of Creation is everywhere, because without it nothing at all would be able to exist. The individual should therefore be aware that he exists only through the Love of Creation and that he carries this Love also within himself. 

Creation created everything in Love and logic and put the same Love in all its creatures, so that life itself is Love. Even if living in this world often seems to consist only of conflict and drudgery, this fact does not change. Life has become primarily a heavy and tough battle only because people have turned away from Creation and have lost the knowledge of its Existence. In undiminished size however, Creation lets its Love become apparent nevertheless, through its creations. 

The person must only be willing to see and recognize this Love, and he will begin to feel it. If he opens to the Love of Creation and he allows it to flow into himself, he becomes filled with respectful gratitude and great joy. Each smallest plant, each ever so tiny animal was created in Love by Creation, each creation existing according to the same Law of Love. All life is in the absolute perfection that which it should be through the Love of Creation, and except for humans, every life form lives exactly by this Creation’s plan. Only humans have turned away from Love and must now learn again what True Love is. 

The infinite Love of Creation connects all life, because in all life this Love lies hidden. All of Nature in its indescribable splendor is nothing but the Love of Creation, which is expressed visibly. Its laws are so wonderfully arranged, that people everywhere come up against its radiating Love. If he however, closes his senses, he may not feel it (empfinden), and hence he declares that there is no Love in this world. 

But Creation has formed and arranged everything so wonderfully, so that people can recognize the majestic love of Creation at every moment and in every place. Of course one cannot easily go there, to contemplate nature and to feel (empfinden) the Love of Creation and also one’s own Love, especially not when for many years one has felt differently. The way to sense (erfühlen) the Love of Creation is primarily through thinking, because thinking influences feeling (Fühlen). If for example, one stands before a Tree, one should become fully aware that this Tree is the product of Creative Love, just as the forces of Nature, which enable it to grow and to flourish. 

This action may seem to be somewhat ridiculous or maybe even embarrassing at the beginning, because it is most unusual and, besides, the appropriate feelings (Gefühle) are still missing.The longer, the more these thoughts effect Loving feelings (Gefühle) and spiritual-fine-sensitive feelings (Empfindungen) and these in turn will make the bond with all life a certainty, that a simple blade of grass, a bird, a shrub or some other living creature is driven by the same Love, to fulfill its purpose in Creation’s plan, as humans should also do as the highest life form on the planet since a long time ago. 

The human carries a fragment of Creation within, and therefore, the Love of Creation within him is that power which he is able to evoke in himself. The more respectfully the Love of Creation in all life is perceived and is felt (empfunden), the stronger it also becomes in the person. Then suddenly Love is no longer such an insincere and longingly hoped for experience, but the real spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling (Empfindung) of one’s own mental effort. So fine, thus satisfying and energizing it permeates the whole person, and once extensively making progress, the person will take it on willingly to work on himself, namely to maintain this love, to extend and nurture it. For himself, but also for Creation. 

The Love is not unfathomably deep, it is immense power which never slept, active since ancient times, and immeasurably abundant and logic-laden. Love flourishes splendidly in all beings, in animals and flowers in the fields, in humans, in words and also in singing, and forever it will permeate the world. Love will continuously be the purpose of Existence and all-timely it is given in logic.


Truth, on your planet, is a filtered experience understood only through your personal belief systems or concepts. We have discovered that everyone on your world has a different Truth, and there have been cultures of Truth in every society or civilization. It has kept a continuum of Light here on your planet. 

The problem is that much of your mankind is taking these Truths personally instead of seeing it as an objective Truth or reality. They would take this Truth and make it very egotistical in order to glorify themselves and others, and as we perceive, and through our own experience, a Truth is not meant for that at all. They would then create a religion or some kind of dogma again, something which they could remain detached from, yet glorify in the eyes of others. And a Truth has nothing to do with your Earth religions.

The secret, wondrous nature of Spirit has nothing to do with your religions. You are all multi-dimensional. Think that way. In order to think that way, your terms should turn the way you understand and perceive yourselves and life inside-out, and make all of your belief systems abstract, not personal. Because of your personal attachments, you have cut yourselves off from universal knowledge. You have to have an objective mind to gain True knowledge. You have all cultivated the attitude of a subjective self.



The worship of the Is-ness (God concept) is silent, and solitary, free from all self-seeking. The silence is a necessity, as all speech is feeble and imperfect. Therefore, as with your ancestors and ours, their spirits and consciousness would ascend out of time and space to the Is-ness in wordless adoration (feeling). There are no priests or "saviors" authorized to come between a man (soul) and our maker. 

The Is-ness lives inside of all of you, and if you won't conceive of or believe in your own divinity, how are you going to make the leap into the next levels? How are you going to attract and magnetize True, unconditional respect and Love?

Each experience is personal, and different from another, and should not in any way be meddled with or judged. Each soul should become conscious of the divinity that is in itself. There should be no shrines, no temples among you. Accept Nature and the caretaking of Nature by mankind. Be a real, Natural human being. Your real faith may not be formulated in creeds, as you have been taught, but from a deeper portion of yourself that you have forgotten, or ignore. Temples were built on your planet to honor and worship the extraterrestrial beings believed to be Gods. The Is-ness can be worshipped by honoring yourself. By honoring yourself you honor the Is-ness, because you are Truly One and the same.

Look at your Earth, your ocean, your night sky and the galaxy. This is your "church", and you are the "alter" in that "church". So, release yourself from your past limited thinking. It takes only a decision. It is important to remember that the Is-ness does not place value upon the material fabric of time. This has only been created so that we as souls could learn more about ourselves and return with our experiences to contribute to the creation of ourselves. The rituals of "offerings", "sacrifice" and other symbolic objects only means something to you (alone).

The Is-ness is only interested in your intent, the path of your heart. Look to find your highest happiness and the motive for power in your Existence. Do not look with ill upon those of simplicity or poverty. The goal of one's path, regardless of lifetimes or lifeforms, is not the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of material luxury. It is to discover your True self, that which is a part from the Is-ness; it is that part of you which chooses to leave the comfort and safety of all eternity, to fall into the concept of time. To become a True human being is the practice and constant embracing of your essential self. And, from that place of eternity, your thoughts, actions and emotions should emanate into the world. Human beings should be vulnerable, open, focused, strong and flexible. In your world, the three concerns all of you must address personally are self-worth, trust and expectation.

Your Earth not only needs healing, she also needs a responsible and worthy companion. That companion is the masculine. There is a great need for the men of your world to become intuitive and focused on the development of the soul. Men must cultivate unconditional Love on all levels. The men of your world are too aggressive and full of self-imposed loneliness. Please remember that all energy moves in a circle, so everything returns: the Love, anger and despair. 

We ask you to also acknowledge the fact that the Love you withhold is the pain you carry. So, let Love warm your voice. Let Love be the wonder to children's ears. Let imagination create a world of unconditional responsibility. It will also change the order of the old world. Let your emotions give motion to the hero that struggles within all of you for the freedom to act, to be, to witness and to apologize. The responsibility of becoming a human being is great, but it is also Natural. It is prayer in motion. It is your evolution and free will in action. It is the flow of life in all things. So, Love the Earth and make new life, for children are always a new beginning. Most of you have yet to rediscover a world you've already discovered. 



Freedom for all animals, no matter the use and a return to their habitat.

Stop of human movement of any kind, stop to birth followed by permanent birth control.

End of all media, social media and entertainment.

End of all exploitation of Gaia for production of any goods or services, homes, buildings or construction of any kind, no touch Gaia.

Stop of production of all pharmaceutical drugs, nature and life damaging chemicals and poisons.

Destruction of all existing weapons and nuclear power.

Abolition of capitalism, money, corporations, real estate, religion, education and government.

Abolition of military, police and enforcement of any kind.

Worldwide contemplation and realisation of damages caused to Gaia: land, forests, water, atmosphere, plants, humans, animals, etc.

Death for all members of the orion group and any entity involved.

Global spread and practicing of Truth via celestine.vision: being the only content available to all humans.

Healing for all humans that have any disease, disability, hunger, thirst or shelter issues etc. 


LOVE (The Big Bang) created our Universe, the DERN Universe, 46 trillion years ago (46,000,000,000,000) as opposed to current Earth scientists' estimation of 16 trillion (16,000,000,000).

Approximately 1.5 trillion years (1,500,000,000,000) after LOVE (the Big Bang) the first solid matter came into Existence.

Sister or twin or parallel universe to the DAL Universe.

40 trillion years ago the first solid matter formed.

39 trillion years ago the first hominid lifeforms formed.

40,353,607 original human races created.

343 different skins colours.

The Milky Way now has 7.5 million human civilisations.

Billions of races now exist in the Universe due to the merging of races.

The stars in our Universe are much more spread apart than in the DAL Universe.                               

Source: Billy Meier


(Human Being types in the known Universe according to The Plejaren Federation)

HumanoidsEarth Humans like the Plejaren.
AmphiboidsHumans who resemble animals that live on land and water.
ReptileoidsHuman-reptilian form whose skin is covered with scales.
InsectoidsHuman-insectoid form whose skin has a chitin quality.
SauroidsHuman-sauropode form whose skin resembles an elephant
PrimatoideHuman-primate form with more hair on the skin than Earth humans.
CondicoidsHumanoids who are capable to move along through levitation.
TeropoidsHuman-bird form with a long neck, face and beak mouth.  
HydroidsHuman-fish form who live in  water.
ThermoidsHumanoids who live in regions with very high temperature.
FrigoroidsHumanoids who live in regions with very low temperatures.
AërioidsHumanoids who breath poisonous gas or live in different gas environments.
AcoroidsHumanoids whose skin is covered by a fine acid layer.
FloroidsHumanoids with diverse plant bodies.
KentauroidsHumanoids with part human, part horse-like bodies.
FaunoidsHumanoids with part human, part animal with hooves.
CheruboidsVery light humanoids with wings with which they can fly.
SeraphoidsVery light humanoids with a human-animal body, with feathered wings by which they can fly.

Source: Billy Meier



JANUARY 15 1981

Ra: I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. We had to wait until she was precisely tuned, as we send a narrow band vibration. We greet you in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator. We have watched your group. We have been called to your group, for you have a need for the diversity of experiences in channeling which go with a more intensive, or as you might call it, advanced approach to the system of studying the pattern of the illusions of your body, your mind, and your spirit, which you call seeking the truth. We hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information which is always and ever the same. At this time we would be glad to attempt to speak to any subject or question which those entities in the room may have potential use in the requesting.

Questioner: Do you have a specific purpose, and if so, could you tell us something of what your purpose is?

Ra: I am Ra. We communicate now. We are those who are of the Law of One. In our vibration the polarities are harmonized; the complexities are simplified; the paradoxes have a solution. We are one. That is our nature and our purpose. We are old upon your planet and have served with varying degrees of success in transmitting the Law of One, of Unity, of Singleness to your peoples. We have walked your planet. We have seen the faces of your peoples. However, we now feel the great responsibility of staying in the capacity of removing the distortions and powers that have been given to the Law of One. We will continue in this, until, shall we say, your cycle is appropriately ended. If not this one, then the next. We are not a part of time and, thus, are able to be with you in any of your times. Does this give you enough information from which to extract our purpose, my brother?

Questioner: Yes. Thank you.

Ra: I am Ra. We appreciate your vibrations. Is there another query? 

Questioner: I’ve heard of the name “Ra” in connection with the Egyptians. Are you connected with that Ra in any way?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes, the connection is congruency. May we elucidate? What do you not understand? Questioner: Could you give me a little more detail about your role with the Egyptians?

Ra: I am Ra. The identity of the vibration Ra is our identity. We as a group, or what you would call a social memory complex, made contact with a race of your planetary kind which you call Egyptians. Others from our density made contact at the same time in South America, and the so-called “lost cities” were their attempts to contribute to the Law of One. We spoke to one who heard and understood and was in a position to decree the Law of One. However, the priests and peoples of that era quickly distorted our message, robbing it of the, shall we say, compassion with which unity is informed by its very nature. Since it contains all, it cannot abhor any. When we were no longer able to have appropriate channels through which to enunciate the Law of One, we removed ourselves from the now hypocritical position which we had allowed ourselves to be placed in. Other myths, shall we say, having more to do with polarity and the things of your vibration that are complex, again took over in that particular society/complex.

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation. That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define the infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity. In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.

JANUARY 20 1981

Questioner: Could you tell us something of your historical background and your contact with earlier races on this planet? Then we would have something to start with.

Ra: I am Ra. We are those of the Confederation who eleven thousand of your years ago came to two of your planetary cultures which were at that time closely in touch with the creation of the one Creator. It was our naive belief that we could teach/learn by direct contact and that the free will distortions of individual feeling or personality were in no danger. We had no thought of their being disturbed, as these cultures were already closely aligned with an all-embracing belief in the live-ness or consciousness of all. We came and were welcomed by the peoples whom we wished to serve. We attempted to aid them in technical ways having to do with the healing of mind/body/spirit complex distortions through the use of the crystal, appropriate to the distortion, placed within a certain appropriate series of ratios of time/space material. Thus were the pyramids created. We found that the technology was reserved largely for those with the effectual mind/body distortion of power. This was not intended by the Law of One. We left your peoples. The group that was to work with those in the area of South America, as you call that portion of your sphere, gave up not so easily. They returned. We did not. However, we have never left your vibration due to our responsibility for the changes in consciousness we had first caused and then found distorted in ways not relegated to the Law of One. We attempted to contact the rulers of the land to which we had come, that land which you call Egypt, or in some areas, the Holy Land. In the Eighteenth Dynasty, as it is known in your records of space/time distortions, we were able to contact a pharaoh, as you would call him. The man was small in life-experience on your plane and was what this instrument would call, Wanderer. Thus, this mind/body/spirit complex received our communication distortions and was able to blend his distortions with our own. This young entity had been given a vibratory complex of sound which vibrated in honor of a prosperous god, as this mind/body complex, which we call instrument for convenience, would call “Ammon.” The entity decided that this name, being in honor of one among many gods, was not acceptable for inclusion in his vibratory sound complex. Thus, he changed his name to one which honored the sun disc. This distortion, called “Aten,” was a close distortion to our reality as we understand our own nature of mind/body/spirit complex distortion. However, it does not come totally into alignment with the intended teach/learning which was sent. This entity, Ikhnaton, became convinced that the vibration of One was the true spiritual vibration and thus decreed the Law of One. However, this entity’s beliefs were accepted by very few. His priests gave lip service only, without the spiritual distortion towards seeking. The peoples continued in their beliefs. When this entity was no longer in this density, again the polarized beliefs in the many gods came into their own and continued so until the one known as Mohammed delivered the peoples into a more intelligible distortion of mind/body/spirit relationships.



The second density is the density of the higher plant life and animal life which exists without the upward drive towards the infinite. These second-density beings are of an octave of consciousness just as you find various orientations of consciousness among the conscious entities of your vibration.


Senior scientists would be the first to agree that there is no such thing as an absolute scientific explanation of anything. Science is, rather, a method or tool of prediction, relating one or more observations to each other. In physics, this is usually done through the language of mathematics. Our scientific learning is a learning by observation and analysis of this observation. In the sense of penetrating the fundamental essences of things, we really do not understand anything at all. To a person unfamiliar with the inner workings of modern science, it may seem that modern man has his environment nicely under control and totally figured out. Nothing could be further from the truth. The leaders of science who are researching the frontiers of modern theory argue among themselves continually.

Science is meant to establish an honest and accurate understanding of the Universe that ultimately has the benefit for mankind. The True definition of science is that it is the design of Intelligent Infinity, all the branches of science: biology, chemistry, physics, etc. are facets of Intelligent Infinity which is Energy, which is the Spiral Vibration of Love. 

There is no randomness in the Universe, this thought is due to mind control and has led scientists astray, as to believe the Universe was established randomly and is a machine. No individual would conclude that an automobile with its various complexities would form randomly, without a designer, a creator: yet scientists have believed that the Universe was a random creation without a creator? The Universe and all creation Exist due to the Creator, the Spiral Vibration of Love.

The essence of science has been misguided by the naivete of scientists to disregard ancient wisdom and rely on only the scientific method and experiments as their means of establishing a model for the Universe instead of logic and Truth from ancient wisdom in tandem. All scientists have been under mind control: Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton or Charles Darwin. There is no complete Truth to their established conclusions as the foundational assumption of only physical matter and no Energy was the initial thought. Remember, no humans have had a brain for 5,000 years due to mind control, thus all scientists have had an inaccurate foundation of the Universe. 

Science has established knowledge for the 4 percent physical matter of the Universe while ancient wisdom had already established knowledge of physical matter along with the foundation of the Universe, Spiral Vibration. Ancient wisdom describes physical matter as Rupa and the Light particles, which are from Vibration, that all physical matter is, as Kalapas. All physical matter along with the light particles is Energy (Vibration) which is Intelligent Infinity, which is Love. This is a fact known by entities across the Universe and is the basis of their communication to humans. Their is no scientific experiment needed to validate this Truth. 

The notion of Energy has already been validated by science and has been known as Ether, the Field, the Source or Intelligent Infinity. Due to the ignorance of scientists, this was regarded as not True because it went against traditional scientific thinking which was already flawed. 

The basis of the Universe is Love and is why the Universe was created by Intelligent Infinity, Love is the Big Bang and will be known as the Love Bang. Intelligent Infinity has been shown as the Large Scale Structure, Millennium Simulation or Cosmic Web and is what the Third Eye connects to. Intelligent Infinity is in all things, the Universe and the Creator are the same, it is one single being. 

Intelligent Infinity, the one single being, is in all things from the Universe to You.

These images of the Universe, from the James Webb Telescope, is one single being: Intelligent Infinity, with intelligent sentient life all across. 

The growth of the brain occurs through the Energy of Nature, specifically through Meditation which allows one to feel the Vibration of Love from the Trees and Birds along with the Light of the Sun and Moon and is how Intelligent Infinity is engaged, this has always been True regardless of any scientific evidence to prove this. This fallacy of Thought where evidence is needed before regarded as Truth is due to mind control. Love is the Energy that grows the brain and develops the Lataif aka Chakras, Energy Centers. This is due to the design of Intelligent Infinity and does not require experiments to validate.

The current foundation of science was established in 1650 with the mission of science, as proposed by Francis Bacon, “To obtain knowledge that can be used to dominate and control Nature.” This is due to mind control to disconnect us with Nature. 

The goal for the planet will be to restore the amount of Natural equivalent to Natural circa 400: meaning all buildings, roads or any other structure that isn't used for a purpose aligned to Nature will be destroyed.

Provided are a few landmark discoveries which show the evidence of Energy confirming the inaccuracies of currently established science. This includes the concept of newtonian physics which assumes a material universe that is only physical with no underlying Energy along with this assumption being the basis for biological processes within the human anatomy. The concept of darwinism, which assumes survival of the fittest with random evolution and genetic determinism, also referred to as central dogma, being the mechanism for all life and the concept of imaginary euclidean space which assumes space as flat, uncurved and 2 dimensional, as this was the assumption to allow for measurement: which science, mathematics, education and society is built upon. This is the foundation of the orion group artificial environment for the purposes of human enslavement as you should have been surrounded by the Natural Environment to allow your brain to grow as a standard process by the time you were 17-18 years old.

Our influence via Energy was discovered with the double slit experiment.

This experiment shows the confusion amongst scientists, which is due to mind control, as they believed that there was no underlying Energy in between all physical matter yet clearly waves are shown via the band pattern as this is what Light particles actually are, which is Vibration (Energy). The confusion is that scientists didn’t have the initial assumption of Vibration (waves) being the underlying foundation of the Universe due to mind control. This underlying vibration is Intelligent Infinity: and via Meditation you connect with this Vibration which is the purpose of the Third Eye. Vibration is what creates Light, and when the scientists view the particle the screen shows straight lines which is due to our consciousness being applied to Vibration. This knowledge was already known by ancient civilizations but scientists didn’t want to accept this knowledge.


This proves that we are directly able to influence the world with our consciousness and as such have the ability to create outcomes as in this experiment the outcome of the experiment was dependant upon whether their was an observer which influenced the result of either a potential of Energy in waves (waves are Vibration, which is Intelligent Infinity) with no observer or the manifestation of Energy in particles (Kalapas, physical matter which are Light particles) with an observer. And so every single science experiment using the scientific method with the assumption that variables can be controlled is false as the scientists' consciousness has always been influencing the outcome. 

In regards to time and calendar, this is a mind control tactic. The actual means of establishing the measurement of cycles (days) are the phases of the Moon and the revolution of the Moon around the Earth, also known as the Lunar calendar since this is the design of Intelligent Infinity. The clock and calendar combination keeps humans from engaging the cycle using the Moon, making humans think in terms of numbers and words (time and calendar). This makes humans think in terms of past and future instead of the present, and allows for human enslavement. Time and calendar are not real, only a cycle with the progression of the cycle moment to moment is real but humans operate via time and calendar while being inside buildings instead of outside in Natural. This disconnects us from Intelligent Infinity as we are supposed to spend our cycles (days) living outside, not inside, and thus use our senses towards the Natural while also doing Meditation: this is for all Humans. 

Our connection via Energy was discovered with the twin photon experiment.

This proves at the smallest level of physical matter, the photon, which was described as Kalapas in Buddhism, that we are energetically connected and their is no empty space between physical matter, thus the concept of time and space is irrelevant which has been a core premise of classical, newtonian physics: as in this experiment one photon was split into two and when changes were made to one, the other photon simultaneously experienced the change due to the energetic link between the particles, known as quantum entanglement. The changes occurred simultaneously because of the holographic principle of the Universe as in a hologram, a change in one aspect perpetuates change in all. 

Our manifestation via Energy was discovered with Fractals.

This proves the manifestation of Energy in self-similar patterns. The human anatomy is a combination of various fractals, such as the branching pattern of human nerves which are the same as Trees, spiral pattern of DNA and galaxies, vortex pattern of blood circulation, labyrinth pattern of the human brain, phyllotaxis pattern of the pineal gland, tetrahedron pattern of water as only a few examples. Fractals prove the premise of euclidean space for linear measurement, which requires smoothness, is false, as nothing in Nature is smooth and nothing in Nature can be measured as Nature is non-linear: jagged, wrinkled and irregular. 

Fractals are the underlying mechanism behind connecting with Energy. The Fractal Energy from Tree, Bird, Sun and Moon is what allows the growth of the brain via Attention (the form of Energy used within us to connect with the Natural) through Meditation as the mechanism that connects to Fractal Energy. 

Truth is we are one with Nature with the rule being mutualism, a symbiosis relationship: just as lichen, a combination of fungus and algae.

Symbiosis In Lichens.pdf

Love felt from and given towards Nature (Tree, Bird, Sun, Moon), as explained in The Celestine Prophecy, through Meditation continuously is required to interact with Energy, with Intelligent Infinity as we have a symbiotic relationship. 

The interaction between Humans and Nature is the same as Humans to Humans. Humans, via Thought and Emotion emit vibrational frequencies amongst one another, which is Energy. As an example, when two individuals who both are joyful interact with one another, both are able to enhance their Energy resulting in a higher joyful state compared to being independent, often referred to as "good vibes", the same enhancement occurs when engaging Nature. When engaging Nature which is connected with Intelligent Infinity with Love; Nature responds by physically growing your brain, the Third Eye. 

Love felt from and given towards Nature (Tree, Bird, Sun, Moon) elicits the 40,000 neurons in the Heart which allow you to interface with Energy, with Intelligent Infinity. 

This engagement of Love towards Nature via Meditation allows for your connection to Intelligent Infinity who grows the Third Eye, a muscular organ that is used to connect with the Creator. Only through our change in attention, focus, effort and life towards Nature can this be achieved. 

Our perception of Nature determines our level of connection with Love. The beauty of Nature is a form of Love, which is the beauty of the Creator and is how a connection is established. The connection initiates the physiological processes for the neurons in the Heart to activate. 

Some examples of interacting with the Energy of Love towards Nature, with Intelligent Infinity by using your attention and perception include whether you are able to perceive the beauty when watching the colors of the sky change as the Sun ascends or descends, as the Light of the Sun interacts with the Third Eye and Heart, whether you can watch the Light of the Moon as the phases change per cycle as the Light of the Moon interacts with the Third Eye and Heart, intently listening to the waves of Water as the calming sounds of Water are the Vibration of Love, listening to a group of Birds singing, as the Vibration from the sounds of Birds are of Love which interact with the Third Eye and Heart, feeling the calm and serenity in the middle of a Forest, as this feeling is the Vibration of Love or whether you can observe the beauty of fractal patterns within the leaves of Trees as using your sight to recognize beauty interacts with the Third Eye and Heart. These are all forms of Meditation and is how you become one with the Creator.

Do scientific experiments need to be conducted to validate this interaction before acceptance? The knowledge stated is not new and was known by previous Human Civilizations as Meditation and engaging Love in Nature to connect with the Creator was the first task for Humans to achieve and due to enslavement has been purposefully withheld. The experience of the growth of your brain through the Creator is the only evidence needed. 

Reality Only Exists Where The Mind Creates A Focus.


Your Mind Will Now Only Focus On The Wisdom Of Advanced Entities Bestowing Humans With The Truth Of Reality.

I am Hatonn. I greet you, my friends, in the Love and in the Light of our Infinite Creator. It is a great privilege to be with you. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are extremely privileged to speak directly to those who dwell upon the surface of Earth. We would prefer to speak with all of the people of this planet. However, there are many who would not wish to hear us. They would not wish to know us.

And they would not understand anything that we said, even though, my friends, we are able at this time to use any of your languages fluently. It takes a considerable amount of time to establish a base for communication when the concepts from which we generate ideas is as largely displaced from yours as is ours. When I say yours, I am speaking of the general bases for concepts of the majority of the people of your planet.

The bases for our concepts are what we consider Universal Truths, Truths that are unchanging, that are the reason for the creation that is all about us and is us and is you. Unfortunately, the people of the planet upon which you presently dwell are not aware of the Truth behind the functioning of the creation in which they find themselves. We are aware of the problems involved in bringing Truth and understanding to a people so very long in the darkness that has been generated by those that have gone before them in the history of this planet.

This is not an abnormal situation, but it is not normal either. There are many other people throughout the creation who are not aware of these Truths. However there are a very, very large number who are. It is a very difficult thing to change thousands of years of erroneous thinking in a very short time.

We are here to serve the people of your planet. We are here to bring to them exactly what they desire. We are here to bring to them the only thing that is of value. This, my friends, is understanding. The key my friends is desire. If the individual does not desire what we have to bring to him, then he will not receive it. This is exactly how the creation is designed: so that each entity, no matter where he is or who he is or what he is, will get exactly what he desires.

Many of the people of this planet, my friends, are aware that there is much more to this creation and to their lives than that which they find within their present physical illusion. Many of your people are at this time seeking outside their illusion. To those who seek, we offer our understanding. It is necessary for man on Earth to realize this, and to individually correct his understanding of himself, in order to bring himself back into alignment with the plan and design of our Creator.

Most of the problems that you encounter in understanding this Truth have to do with false impressions given to you by the society in which you now find yourselves. If you had been living in a society that had always been aware of Truth and of the True nature of the creation, you would have no difficulty in applying the Truths, since they would be a part of your life.

It is difficult to do this when living in a society that continues to focus its attention on things that are very far from the Creator’s plan. The society as you know it at present has focused its attention on many things. Very, very few of these things in which it is interested have anything at all to do with the basic Truth of the functioning of the creation in all of its ways and all of its parts.

Your people on this planet seek many things. However, they seek these things in what we would consider to be a very strange way. They seek the result of their desires almost exclusively within what they know as the physical, the societal illusion that they now are entrapped in. Man upon Earth is conscious and intelligent and yet for the most part he is unaware of reality. He is unaware of the simple reality that he is capable of sensing with his physical senses. In addition, he is unaware of the much greater reality that lies outside the boundaries of his physical senses.

Man on Earth has neglected the beauty and the order of the creation that surrounds him. He neglects notice of his total support by this creation. He neglects noticing that he breathes the atmosphere without which his physical body could not exist. He neglects perceiving that he partakes of the food that is amply supplied by the Creator. The Love which generated his creation and all of the beings and all of the animal life and all of the bird life and all of the fishes in the sea and all of the vegetation, all of the planets, all of the stars, and all of the systems that surround us.

My friends, your illusion is very complex. It is meaningless, your cities, your political systems, your concept of science, your concept of philosophy, they are all complex. They require great intellectual ability to encompass them, and yet they are nothing compared to the one simple thought of your Creator who created you and all of the real creation: the simple thought of absolute Love.

Since man is unable to experience in their waking state anything but this illusion, they then think that this is all that exists, and they attempt to find expression of their desires strictly within this illusion. This results in the fulfillment of false desires. The people who fulfill these false desires wonder why, having fulfilled them, they do not find happiness.

This has been demonstrated upon your planet many times, but little heed has been taken of it. The desires still remain very strong, and the people about you strive with much Energy to fulfill them. Having fulfilled them they then wonder. They wonder why they still have desires, for as soon as they have fulfilled one, they have generated another.

We are going to attempt to give you instruction at this time on the proper use of desire, so that you may work within the Truth of the creation and become once more knowledgeable about its function. There are certain desires that every individual has within him. These desires are a natural state, and they should be fulfilled.

The reason the individual has these natural desires is that he is a part of the creation, and the Creator had an original desire, which continues throughout all of time and all of space. This desire of the Creator was to provide an experience for all of His parts that would fulfill in totality the desire of all of His parts. But since all of His parts have this same desire, then it should be evident that this desire is to serve the other parts.

This is how we have interpreted the functioning of creation. This is why within each individual throughout all of the creation there dwells a desire to serve the creation in any way that he can. This dwells within each of the people, all of the entities of this planet, for all of them are a portion of the Creator.

It is possible to fulfill this desire. The Creator has attempted to provide only good for all of His children, but since all of His children are a part of the Creator, and since all of us and everything is in actuality one thing, then we have this necessity occurring within each individual in all of the parts of the creation: an attempt to serve. This is natural. The planet upon which you now stand serves you.

The growth that comes from the planet serves you. Its atmosphere serves you. Its Water serves you. The entire creation serves you. You feel the Energy from your Sun. It serves you. This principle is simply the original concept of the Creator being expressed through all of its parts, for this concept remains undiminished. For this reason, you will find that you will achieve what you actually desire only if you are to serve the rest of the creation.

This is why it is so necessary that man of Earth at this time meditate and go within. It will be the Truth, the understanding of the original creation. Within every individual in the Universe is this knowledge. It is only necessary to seek it out through meditation. If this is done, there will be no question in the mind of the individual. There will be no need for interpretation of information, for this is not of an intellectual nature.

For that which he obtains in this fashion will be information which is not of an intellectual nature. Man on Earth considers that he has many problems. But these problems are not reality. They are an illusion, developed by his thinking. Nothing in this Universe follows the laws man on Earth considers the laws of the generation of events. The only cause is the Creator.

Meditation will allow the individual to eliminate questions concerning the validity of the information that he receives from his thoughts. Meditation will allow the individual to become aware of reality and therefore Truth. This Truth will be self-evident. For through meditation he will know, as it is written in one of the holy books of your planet, know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free. Free from what? Free from the illusion. It is stated that you must know the Truth. It is not stated that you must be told what is True and what is not True. It is stated that you must know. My friends, there is only one way to know: through meditation. This will bring you all that you desire.

My friends, we suggest that you look at your meditation as the seed which is growing in the rich soil of your physical Existence. It will bear fruit within your Existence. And the fragrance and the beauty which meditation sheds throughout the illusion will last far beyond the illusory flower, for the gifts of this fruit last forever. Allow the seed of meditation to be endlessly nurtured within each day and, my friends, that which you need to do to bloom will come to you. The fruit which you need to supply to be of service to others will be possible for you to produce.

Through meditation you make contact with the infinity of understanding which lies within the consciousness of the Creator. When you come back to the limitation of your physical body and personality you are carrying with you an infinite amount of understanding which you may choose to put to use. My friends, I wish to say to you, be aware of yourself. As you learn each lesson attempt to remain enough aware of what you are doing and what you desire that the activity of meditation does not become separate from you. Meditation, my friends, shall not be something that you do if you wish to go on with anything. Meditation is you. Become aware of your service. Become aware of your purpose. Do this through meditation and you will awaken.

You will awaken to the ecstasy that was meant to be experienced by each part of this infinite creation. Your True desire is to be found within the spiritual consciousness. The flimsy craft of your physical intellectual ability is not designed to sail from the deep seas of spiritual reasons. Do not attempt to take it into the depths of reasons or else, I assure you, your flimsy craft will break apart and you will think that you are surely lost. The great storm that is with this great illusion is forever stilled by the consciousness that you may obtain through your meditation. A stillness which allows one to not worry about the meaning behind the illusionary experiences that fill each day.

When your worried mind is still and when all the ripples of worry of your daily life have stopped, then and only then, may you discern the flow and stately movement of the Universal rhythms of Love and Unity. This Unity, within which the entire Creation resides, is whole, complete, unbreakable and transcendent of all illusion. Therefore, my friends, it is the most impossible thing to conceive of within the boundaries of your intellect and your consciousness within the physical. This consciousness of Unity is available to you only through meditation. It is quite, quite amazing to us that those upon your surface have devised so many different ways of removing from themselves all indications of the reality, or even the possibility, of understanding.

However, you are, although in the physical environment, not of it. Your choice is completely free. You may seek for this understanding even within the dense illusion which occupies your physical senses. We offer you only simple help. We offer you only simple understanding, for there is only one understanding, only one Truth, only one entity: the Creator, my friends. Any attempt to work through any other understanding will be an attempt which is working within an extremely transient illusion.

It is difficult for many of those who are trapped within this illusion to understand the importance of meditation, and why this should be the route that unlocks the door to their present entrapment. It is difficult for those of your planet to fully comprehend the need and the results that may be obtained in respect to meditation. It is very difficult to understand how this simple process could bring to you everything that you desire. The peoples of your planet have believed for many, many centuries of their time that knowledge is knowledge obtained through the five physical senses. My friends, the knowledge that you presently have is of absolutely no value towards a True understanding of yourself and your relationship with the Infinite Creator.

The knowledge that you will gain in reading or in studying or through any learning process will have only one value. That single value will be to make you aware of the need for meditation. Your societal illusion is an illusion of the mind. Meditation is an exercise of the mind, an exercise in reverse from what you normally consider mental exercise in the illusion. This is what is necessary to erase the illusion that you have created, to reverse the mental exercise that has created this illusion, and back out of your entrapment.

My friends, we cannot overemphasize this simple Truth. The most educated of the peoples of your planet know nothing of Truth if they have not availed themselves to it in meditation. My friends, there is no intellectual awareness of the Truth of this creation. It is all something else, something much more basic. It is an awareness that transcends any ability to rationalize or to comprehend in an intellectual manner. There is no way to transmit this awareness through the senses that you possess to comprehend your illusion. The illusion that has been fabricated by the peoples of this planet is far from the Truth. Any endeavor to comprehend Truth through the use of any part of this illusion is totally of no value. There are many things which are looked upon within your physical illusion as being quite normal, which to us, my friends, look quite abnormal.

It is as though the people of planet Earth are all mysteriously prey to some widespread emotional disorder. Turn off your mind, your intellectual mind. Let it once more absorb the knowledge of the Creator which is deep within it. Let this be your thought, rather than that given to you by the multitudes who continue within the illusion. This simple process will bring you to what you desire, what is desired by all of the Creator’s children throughout all of the Universe: Love and Light. Many of the Creator’s children have gone far from this Love and this Light. They have burrowed deeply into their self-made illusion, and wrapped themselves tightly within the robes of that which their mind has manifested.

Man on Earth interprets cause and effect in a very illusory manner. This is not the way that the creation is designed: it is not the way the creation works. It is only necessary that an individual give forth Love and Light. If this is done, this is what will be returned to him. It is not necessary to consider complex propositions and plans in order to reach an objective that is assumed to be of great benefit. It is only necessary that you generate the Love that is amply provided by the Creator of us all.

This is how we were meant to live. Man on Earth has forgotten this very simple principle. He believed that he can generate, through plans and activities, great pleasure that will come to him as a result of these plans and activities. And then he goes forth and does these things in great complexity. And very seldom does he glory in their product, but he does not learn, for he does not meditate. For within him is the Truth, the Truth of the pathway to the ecstasy that awaits him. It is not a complex pathway. It is not a product of his intellect, or of his ability to act in the physical, producing great changes in the many things that he desired for his pleasure.

The pathway, my friends, is simply Love, a total and Universal Love, expressed for all things and all peoples, and demonstrated daily in his activities and thoughts. And then, my friends, everything is returned. And this Love that he generates is reflected on him a thousand-fold. For this is the plan, this is the design. This is the gift of the Father. It is so very simple, for the Father is very simple. He did not mean for His children to find it necessary to generate complexities in order to achieve the state of ecstasy that He designed for them.

It is only man on this planet that has become confused, and drifted away from this knowledge. This knowledge is deep within you. It is part of you. It is part of everything that exists. Seek this knowledge within yourself. And then, go forth in your daily activities demonstrating to your fellow man this knowledge, and it will be reflected one thousand-fold. I hope that I have been able to give to you some understanding of that which man on planet Earth so badly desires and needs, an understanding of the principle of Love. I am Hatonn. Adonai vasu.

This encounter has a purpose, and that purpose is to aid you in your intellectual growth, so that your intellect may be able to keep pace with the spiritual knowledge that you gain through meditation. It is our fervent belief that the intellectual information which we share with you is of great value and a path that one would wish to follow. And each person, in choosing that path, must realize that the path he has chosen shall lead to the ultimate point of interception with all other paths, the point of oneness. Consider if you will a wheel with an infinite number of spokes. Each spoke is an entirely different path, yet all are connected to the same center. All spokes protrude from the one center, as all paths have come from the Creator. All paths come, and all paths go, to our Creator at all times. We of the Confederation have chosen to assist the people upon planet Earth through such means as these, for we feel that it is our most efficient means of assisting you. If we were to show physical proof of our existence, or if we were to work so-called miracles for you, then we would be proving something to you within the illusion. And my friends, we stress that you must go beyond the illusion in which you live at this time. Anything which appears within the illusion is that, an illusion. Though the illusion may seem to have great reality to you, and great purpose, it is nonetheless an illusion projected by your consciousness. My friends, we wish to prove nothing. We wish only to be known. And to know us, and to know the Creator, you must transcend the illusion through the practice of meditation, and learn and know reality. Infinite reality, my friends. You shall never know all things within the intellect, yet all things, though they be infinite are known to you within your spirit. Within your spirit, you have the knowledge of all times and all experiences. Within your spirit, lies reality. And within reality there is nothing but Love. And Love to you, my friends, is a concept which you have greatly misunderstood in your intellect. Yet within your spirit it is pure. It is holy and sacred and infinite. The more Love which you are capable of displaying, or shall we say, the more Love which you project into your present illusion, the more the illusion shall fade away, and reality appear. My friends, it is written in your holy works, that the man who gives all that he has to the poor and gives his body to be burned, if he has not Love, then he is worth nothing. It is important, as you attempt to pursue the spiritual path that you meditate continually on the nature of Love. Love in action, that which is called service, is indeed the highest of all manifestations of Light within your peoples. Yet service without Love is worth nothing. And the person that attempts to serve without the heart within clear and full of Light showing forth as Love, is defeating his own purposes. My friends, it is not easy to come to an understanding of what Love is, for among your peoples Love is already named by so many lesser emotions and states of mind and none of these is Love. When we say that Love is all that there is, imagine the full force of the Sun beating down upon you, and imagine that Sun beating down equally, and totally, upon each entity, each blade of Grass, moving each mote of Air, and blessing the growth of each Plant: this begins to tell you of the force and the impartiality of True Love. And we say to you, to the extent that you are able to display Love to yourself, others and Earth, even partially, my friends, even very partially, you will Light up a great, great deal of space within the finer spheres of the planetary vibration. You have heard of the search for one honest man, or a few righteous men, so that an entire community could be spared. My friends, this is due to the fact that one source of Light can illumine a great deal of darkness. You make a great deal of difference. That which you do is all important, not only to you but to the planetary vibration of Earth. We come back to meditation because the Light which you are seeking to show, that Light of True Love, cannot come from you, but only through you. Only through you, my brothers and sisters, pouring through you like the Sun pours down into the Tree, so that the Tree may yield its fruit up, so that all may eat of its substance. The fruit of your Tree is not a physical thing, for you have high emotional, mental and spiritual ability to yield your fruit, that which you can offer within these realms. But remember that you are indeed a Tree, and that if you allow Love to develop you, Love will allow you to then make fruit from your braches of spirit. The choice to Love is left to each individual as our Infinite Creator has allowed for free will and thus cannot be forced upon one, yet as mentioned to pursue this path will be of great value.

I identify myself to you by using the name Hatonn. In reality, the name “Hatonn” would be considered the identity of what you would call the planet from which we come. Upon our planet, the people, which number greatly, have united in consciousness and are desirous of one thing. And that one thing, my friends, is to know the Creator, and to be instruments of His Love.

And through this desire, we have come to serve the people on your planet. So we of Hatonn, being of one mind, have come for this purpose, to assist in whatever way we may at this time. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator consist of a large number of what you would call planets. We come from many areas of the Universe, yet we are all united. We are all one, in reality.

And in speaking of this oneness, we will emphasize also that you yourselves are as important to the concept of oneness. For my friends, if you exclude but one member, but one unit within this vast creation, then you do not realize the concept of oneness. One, as you understand it, means a unit without any extension. But one as we understand it, is a unit of infinity. My friends, as you understand infinity, there is no end or beginning.

And if there are no ends, or no beginnings, to the concept of one, or infinity, what else could it be called but a unit, one unit of infinite experience, which contains all things, all knowledge, all beings within the Universe. Oneness, my friends, is indeed not limited. Oneness is all things. Within one, all things are found. Within yourself, my friends, the True identity of the concept of one has been implanted by our Creator.

Within each being on your planet and throughout the creation there is the concept of one, there is its knowledge and understanding. Within you lie the answers to all problems. Within you lie the experiences of all other beings, for once you realize and are totally aware of the oneness of the entire Universe then you cannot separate the experiences of your brothers from the experience of yourselves.

You shall not realize self-identity as you do now. For self-identity, my friends is something which you have adopted for a short period of time while existing within the physical realm. It has been adopted by you so that you may learn. And within this physical realm, the lesson you must learn is Love. And Love is one, and Love is all. These words may seem contradictory, yet that is because you have taken these concepts and you have separated them within your physical illusion. My friends, realize that within the creation there are no separations.

All things are indeed united and can never in any way be Truly separate of each other. Your thoughts, as thoughts of all other beings, are emanated Truly from one source of intelligence. And that intelligence, my friends, is the Love of the Creator. And it is the Creator. You are Creators, as are all other beings. And all together, as we understand it, are the Creator.

We do not know as a fact all realities or all Truths, yet as close as we have been able to understand it, this is the Truth: that all beings unite, all things take away the separations which we have implanted within them, unite to form the omnipotent being we call the Creator. We are but particles of His consciousness. Yet within each particle are His abilities. We must learn to focus our consciousness on His Love, which is readily available to all.

And we must learn to utilize properly the abilities which have been implanted within us. For within us, my friends, is the ability to create, the infinite ability to create experience through all eternity. This should be thought of, for you should not take lightly your ability to create.

For as you go through your day, you have many thoughts. Many thoughts are kind and loving. Yet within your world you are constantly bombarded by negative experiences and thoughts. Your thoughts, negative and positive, are in reality creations of experience within other realms than this consensus reality. Therefore, you must learn to control and utilize your thoughts. I am Hatonn. Adonai.

My friends, man on Earth has become very shortsighted in appreciation of the creation. He does not understand the True meaning of the simple and beautiful life that surrounds him. He does not appreciate its generation and regeneration. He learns that the very atmosphere that he breathes is cycled through the plant life to be regenerated to support him and his fellow beings and creatures, and yet this seems to the vast majority of those who dwell upon this planet to be an exercise in technology rather than one in theology. There is no awareness of the Creator’s plan to provide for His children, to provide for their every desire and to provide a state of perfection. No amount of seeking within the intellectual concepts of your people, no amount of planning or careful interpretation of the written or spoken word, will lead you to the simple Truth.

It is you and it is all about you. It expresses itself in every living thing. It expresses itself constantly and unceasingly. It shouts at you from every blade of grass and from every animal and bird, from all of your fellow beings in a terrific crescendo of Love. And yet man upon Earth is blind and is deaf to these sights and these sounds. And all that is necessary is that you become aware, my friends, develop an awareness to see your creation, to understand your Creator, and to understand His Love. Man on Earth has lost the awareness that is rightfully his. And why, my friends, has he lost this awareness? He has lost this because he has focused his attention upon devices and inventions of his own. He has become hypnotized by his playthings and his ideas. He is but a child in his mind.

My friends, Truth is very, very simple. The Creator’s plan is very, very simple. It is not necessary that we weave a complex web of circumstance to lead you to the Creator. He is within you, and you are Him. It is only necessary that you realize this in its fullest sense for you to be aware of all the Creator’s wisdom. The people of this planet have blocked their minds from this knowledge. We are attempting to teach the people of this planet how to remove this blockage. It is a very simple process. Unfortunately, the people of this planet are more accustomed to complexity, and would therefore desire intellectual juggling of various propositions and theories. This, my friends, is not necessary. To get from where you are to where you should be requires an understanding that has nothing to do with the intellect. It requires, simply, a knowing of Truth. This Truth is extremely simple.

For you, like ourselves and like every being within this infinite creation, is a part of this creation. We are all one thing. We are the creation of the Father, and in so being we have within us His Love, for this is what created us—a great force. A force that permeates everything that exists. The word that expresses it in your language is Love, but this force goes far beyond the concept of this word. Each of you can know this force, for it is part of you, and you cannot separate it from you. What I am trying to say is that when you become totally aware of this simple Truth, then you will not use intellectual processes to understand anything that you wish to know. This knowledge will be yours, for all knowledge is linked in the Creator’s Universe. There is no separation. This separation occurs only when man desires it, through use of the freedom of choice that has been given by his Creator.

And all of this may be very simply remedied, and man can once more return to an appreciation of reality rather than an appreciation of the very false illusion created by his mind. All that is necessary, my friends, is that he individually avail himself to this appreciation of reality through the process of meditation, for this process stills his active conscious mind which is continually seeking stimulus within the very false illusion developed over so many centuries of time upon planet Earth. And very rapidly then he can return to an appreciation of the reality in the functioning of the real creation. Return, therefore, to the Creator. Return to the knowledge and the wisdom and the power that is yours.

Do this by giving forth only His Light and His Love. This is what was intended. Acting otherwise, and knowing otherwise, results only in isolation and blockage. We will continue in a program designed to bring the thinking of the people of this planet back to that which they desire. Those that avail themselves of these teachings will benefit greatly, I assure you. I am Hatonn. Adonai vasu.

I would like to tell you a story. This, I believe, is an interesting story, for it has several aspects. There once was a man who dwelled upon this planet who had such wealth he had what he thought to be great security, for with his wealth he was able to do or have done whatever he wished. But this wealth that he had was not a wealth you would interpret today to be wealth, for the wealth that this man had was a wealth of knowledge, and in this wealth of knowledge, he saw great security, for the knowledge that he had was the knowledge of Truth. And in this Truth, there was knowledge of security. For, my friends, in the knowledge of Truth, there is the only security.

Today, upon your planet, security is sought by your peoples. They seek wealth as security and yet they do not have it for they do not know what wealth is. Wealth is thought of today in its material sense by most of the people of your planet. Only a very few understand True wealth. We are attempting to give you True wealth and True security. The wealth that we are attempting to give you cannot be taken from you.

Even though you may leave your physical body in death, it is a wealth that can be carried with you. It is a security that encompasses all of the Creation, for in this knowledge and in this wealth you are once more in total harmony with all that exists. And, therefore, you are in possession of all that exists, and this is the ultimate wealth. It has been said that you should think not of what is to come tomorrow, but you should exist for a service in the present and take no thought of that which will come to you in the future. This is Truth, my friends, for everything has been provided for you. It is not understood, at present, by your peoples, but it is impossible to create a security by acting in such a way as to accumulate material wealth. This security does not exist. It exists only within the illusion.

And yet, man on Earth continues to seek within his material illusion: continues to seek that which is of no real value, for he lacks faith. He stands upon the surface of this planet and experiences all of the gifts of his Creator. He breathes the Air and smells the fragrance of the Flowers and is in the company of his fellow man and finds many things provided for him. And yet, he does not understand. He does not have faith that within this creation, he has supply and due to this lack of faith, he finds hardships, for he does not understand faith.

It is very difficult for a peoples such as yours, who have been conditioned to think strictly within the boundaries of their present illusion, to break from these thoughts and to exist in the True creation. If this is done, there is no need for the accumulation of wealth in any sense, for there is nothing to accumulate. You are then in possession of everything that exists, for you are part of it and it is part of you. It is very difficult for an individual living in your society to realize this, for all of the thoughts impressed upon him or those about him indicate that what I am telling you is erroneous and that he must, in order to survive and in order to hold his rightful place within the society, accumulate wealth.

He must plan for each day in the future, in order that he will continue in surroundings that he designs for himself. My friends, surroundings in which you exist are not designed by any of us. They were designed by the Creator. The food that you eat was designed by the Creator. The Sun that brings you the Light and the warmth that sustain you was designed by the Creator. Everything was provided for you.

Man on Earth has strayed into darkness and he has built an illusion that causes him to think that it is necessary to struggle against problems that he considers to be a natural part of the Creation. Problems against which he struggles are not a natural part of the creation. These problems that he creates in his struggling, as one entangled in a mesh of brambles, becomes more entangled in struggling. So does man on Earth become entangled in his own manifestations. In his lack of understanding of the True source of supply of that which supports his life, not only in the physical as he appreciates it at present but through all other stratums of Existence, he is supported and continued in all instances by one source, the Creator.

And yet, man on Earth continues to struggle, continues to enmesh himself more deeply and deeply into the web of his illusion, confusing his thoughts and believing sincerely that the Creator will not provide for him what he needs. And this belief is generated to such an extent that the illusion suggests to him that the provisions are not available. And he does not find them and he therefore suffers. But who created the suffering? He has created it himself in his lack of understanding, and this is not necessary, my friends.

It will be necessary that the illusion be obliterated. This may be done by analyzing each facet of the illusion that encumbers you in your daily Existence and then reducing it to its proper dimension. Its proper dimension, my friends, is that of non-Existence. What is important is for one to recognize the illusion for what it is. It is important that one recognize reactions to the illusion for what they are. It is very important that one recognize the Truth of the Creator’s Love and how it expresses itself through you. If this is done and it is augmented by daily meditation there can be an extremely rapid progress made toward joining those of us who are able to live in the Light which was provided by our Creator for our enjoyment.

It is extremely important that every thought that is generated by an individual who wishes to make progress be analyzed immediately upon generation. If this thought is a thought generated by the false illusion, then this thought should be immediately rejected. It is possible to know the value of a generated thought. This is possible by learning to maintain a continual state of meditation. There are many things that occur in your daily activity that are generated by potentials within the illusion. These are the things which must be carefully watched. The reason for the illusion, my friends, is one that man on Earth has generated. He has generated it out of desire. This illusion is useful. It is very useful for those who would wish to evolve at a very rapid rate by experiencing it and then overcoming it while within it.

The men of science of your planet, bound in the state of ignorance, have interpreted the source or provisions that sustain you as occurring as a function of chance. We think this to be unusually ignorant. We suggest that you spend time considering how your physical beings are supported by those foods and other necessities that are given to you. Man on Earth has created an illusion which is very complex with respect to his concept of sustenance of his physical body. He has created an illusion that is very complex with respect to his interpretation of his concept of security. None of these illusions are even remotely correct. My friends, your minds are stayed far, far too strongly upon those illusory goals of the intellect which your conscious awareness makes such advanced company of. These intellectual pretensions, my friends, are no kind of advanced company to be in. Their group name is complexity, and, my friends, understanding is simple.

Let go of the preconceptions which are imbedded deep in your intellectual mind. Allow yourself simply to seek, and then to have faith in the seeking. What you seek is simple. The creation is simple. There is only one understanding which we can offer you, my friends, and that is that the creation is one great Being. The creation is you, the creation is me, the creation is all that ever was and ever will be. The creation, my friends, is the Creator. The Truth of his sustenance is, as are all Truths, related to a single source. For this reason, it has been stated that it is not necessary to give thought of the future. To live in the present and serve the Creator in any way that you find opportune: this is your reason for Existence—to serve. For this is the Creator’s reason for Existence—to serve.

My friends, each of you is part of the Creator. Understand this principle and you will no longer be burdened with the illusion that has been passed on to you by your fellow man, who has dwelled for very long in a state of ignorance. Why should you learn lessons from those who know nothing, who know less than nothing, for they have built a complex illusion that is not even remotely related to Truth? This creates many problems and difficulties for those that accept it. We suggest that you reject it in all of its forms and return to the understanding of your True being which you have within you.

Become aware of your position in this Universe. Become aware of your oneness with the creation, and then go forth and serve your fellow man, for in this way, you create that condition which the Creator desired and in this way, you are able to function in exact harmony with the original thought: Unity and Love. For you then are your own Creator, and all that you desire is yours. For, my friends, the desires you have at that state of understanding are far different from the desires that exist within the illusion. So give them up, if you wish, for they are desires which have been given to you by those who are quite ignorant. And, my friends, their ignorance is no more their fault than it is your fault. It is simply an ignorance due to a lack of education. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are here to remedy this lack of education. I am Hatonn.

In a blind, purposeless Universe we are at perfect liberty to do our will, for there is no natural order on which we might infringe, no destiny at all, in fact, except that which we create. But if there is a purpose inherent in The Way of the World, then the whole bent of science must change from understanding for control's sake, to understanding for the sake of according more closely to Nature's purpose.

Asking of ourselves, "What are we for?" we will seek out our proper role and function on this planet and in the Universe. This transition, which I believe will inevitably flow from the new scientific paradigms represents our abdication from the pretense of lordship over Nature, to become Nature's humble student.


The journey to discover my True essence as a human in this glorious Universe is clear as I have been blessed with guidance from the Creator, the Divine, the Loving and beautiful omnipotent presence that has been withinmy entire life, gifting me with remembrance of self and mission, teaming with fellow exquisite creations: from the wisdom and strength of the mighty Tree to the magnificent illumination as Sky with Sun transitions to Sky with Moon to the chorus of Birds with the melody to hypnotize and soften the heart.

It has been and will continue to be a fabulous journey until my final breath which I now earnestly anticipate for what beauty lies ahead when the heart stops beating. The Creator has forever opened the door for humans to become one and all we have to do is walk in and respond in kind with the same Love. I am Maitreya. Homo Deus.



We would like to give you a thought upon the nature of the spiritual path. Consider for yourself, my friends, the nature of your interior Universe. How much of your thinking is involved with striving, attaining and grasping at things within the physical illusion? What fire consumes you? What greed or envy or base desire have you allowed to continue to have power over your thinking? And then, my friends, what portion of your thinking is clear, calm, motionless, humble, unassuming, and content? I do not need to tell you which portion of your interior Universe is more correctly called the spiritual part. The Truth of the Universe is a very simple Truth. Correctly understood and practiced, it eliminates the striving for selfhood within the physical illusion.

It eliminates it because it offers a more rewarding reality along the spiritual path. The reason, my friends, that you have not completely become one with the spiritual path is not because you have not been trying. Do not cause yourself anxiety. It is simply, my friends, that the illusion under which you labor is extremely strong upon your planet, and there is a good deal of constant and faithful meditation and discipline to be achieved before the final breakthrough can come, and you may be free of your selfhood within the illusion. Without that selfhood, my friends, without that which upon the part of the planet which you live is termed ego, you may achieve all things, in the name of the Creator.

For having no limitation of self, you may give for all men, and to all men. It is a matter of knowing whom you serve, my friends. As you go through your daily Existence, therefore, we suggest to you that you contemplate, when it may serve you to do so, that which is called Water. Water, my friends, is the humblest and weakest of all substances. It abides in the lowest places. It constantly seeks a level. It is ashamed to go nowhere, but flows where every opportunity takes it.

My friends, Water may wear away the hardest substances, for it is far stronger in its weakness than rigid substances can ever be. Be like the Water, my friends. Upon the spiritual path that you are seeking to follow, seek the nature of Water, still and pure. It has been said that life is as a vast ocean, and we very often cause waves through our actions and our thoughts. Through self-discipline it is possible to wear away through this action those qualities about yourself that would be considered undesirable.

Through lack of control of your actions and thoughts, great storms will arise. Your thought, my friends, is that which creates tides and waves. See your thoughts as waves. The waves that you create have a vast effect upon the rest of the body of Water. The waves which cleanse and wash away are also those which erode. By directing your thought, you direct the waves as you seek them to be.

Consider then, my friends, the Water, like unto yourself: consider your thoughts, like unto the waves, and that which directs the Water like the spirit, Water flows quietly along its path, until it reaches an obstacle. It then must go around or over the obstacle. In going around or over an obstacle, it will erode the obstacle. Then the obstacle is no more, and the spirit or Water is free of that obstacle. The movement of the Water is like thought or actions, in that the thought, the movement of the Water is like thought or action. I am Hatonn. Adonai vasu.

I am Latui. I greet you, my friends, in the Love and the Light of our Infinite Creator. It is a very great privilege to be with you, my friends. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are always privileged to speak with the people of your planet. This planet, my friends, is a ball in space. It is a ball of Light.

But it does not appear to you as what it really is. The reason, my friends, that it is a ball of Light is that all things in the entire creation are comprised of nothing but Light. This is the basic building block of all of the material creation. When we greet you in His Love and His Light, we greet you in the only existing ingredients of the creation: Love, the formative force, and Light, the building block.

I am aware that it is difficult for you to conceive of Light as matter, but this, my friends, is the actual situation. Light is one of the two things that we always mention at the beginning of a contact. There is a good reason for this. There is a good reason for us to greet you in His Love and His Light. The reason is that this encompasses everything. And that is what we wish to do: include within this greeting everything and everyone in the creation. For, as we have told you, it is True that all of these parts are one single thing.

Imagine, if you can, an infinitely large sphere of pure Light. Impressed upon this is absolute Love. Out of this, then, condenses the unimaginably vast number of created parts, each of those parts connected by this original force, the Love of our Infinite Creator. Each of us, my friends, and everything else, is made up of this single fabric, Light.

It is only necessary to learn the Truth of what I say in its totality to be able to return to that place and stature that was designed for you by the Creator. Light, my friends, is the substance of which you are made. Light is the substance of which I am made. Light is the substance of which everything is. Love is the substance which forms Light into the forms that you know as living beings, as planets, as Trees, as Stars, as Air. It is all one substance. This substance, my friends, can be affected only by Love.

Love, my friends, is not what you think it is. The word in your language has a meaning that has various interpretations. But it is none of these things. We use the word when we speak to you, because it is as close as we can come to the concept, using your language. Love, my friends, is that force which does all of the things that are done in the entire creation. All of the things, my friends, even those that you would interpret as being without Love.

If it were not for that Love, my friends, then the freedom of choice to do these things could not exist. It is only necessary that the individual realize the Truth of what I am saying in order to be able to do those things that he was originally intended to be able to do by the Creator of us all. The things that he was intended to be able to do are quite surprising. They extend so far beyond your present limitations that I could not possibly convey to you the scope and magnitude of these abilities.

However, it is possible through proper methods of advancing your understanding with respect to its present limitations, to regain what is rightfully yours, the knowledge that you have buried within you, the knowledge of the use of our Creator’s Light through Love is very, very important that you seek an understanding of Love. Do not be satisfied with your first interpretation of this concept, for it is much, much broader in scope than you might imagine. It covers everything that there is. I am going to instruct the people of your planet on the use of Love.

It is necessary to teach to you a way of thinking that is not common to the people of your planet, if you are to rapidly gain understanding of the concepts that are of utmost importance in your present progression. There are three ways to achieve a knowledge of Love. The first way is to relax, and let your mind become at rest. This is the method of meditation. If this is done, on a daily basis, then it is not possible to shut out the Love that is ever present. You will become aware of the True creation and its meaning.

The second way is to go forth among the people of your planet and serve them. They will return to you Love, and you will absorb this Love and store it within your being. I must at this time caution that this service to your people must be done in such a way that it is service that they wish. Do not make a mistake, as so many of your people have done, in trying to impress an unwanted or unsolicited service upon your neighbor.

To go forth and to serve your fellow man at this time upon your planet requires much care and planning, for it is at this time rather difficult to accomplish, for interpretations of service vary greatly, and it is necessary that you understand what service is, in order for yours to be effective. This can only be done by following the first step, or plan, which is meditation.

The third technique is to give all that you have to your fellow man. If this is done, then you will not be encumbered by material possessions. You will no longer give part of your Love to material possessions. Giving Love to material possessions is an extreme waste of your abilities. This is a mistake that is made by most of the people of this planet. It is necessary, if one is to attempt this method of gaining Love, to divorce oneself from the desire for material things.

Each one of these three avenues may be used. Each one will produce results. At present, it is very difficult to work and live within a society such as yours and to allow each of these programs for knowing Love. It is therefore suggested by those of us of the Confederation of Planets in His Service that you employ the first method. Meditation: my friends, will allow you to decide to what extent you may employ the other two methods, for it is sometimes impractical to attempt to literally follow these two suggestions, in that those whom you attempt to serve will not understand. It is, however, recommended that you keep each of these methods in mind, for they are all important.

Much of the strife that has occurred upon your planet in its history is due to the attachment of the people of this planet for material possessions. They have a false concept, which is the concept of ownership of possessions. Everything is made of Light. All of these possessions, everything that exists, is the property of our Creator. He provided ample materials for all people in all space. It is not necessary to covet any of these materials, for all of them are part of you. At present, there is much strife upon your planet. There is much coveting of properties, but this is of no avail to those who covet these properties, for even though they may acquire, as they think, these properties, their apparent possession is very, very short-lived. I am Latui. I hope that I have been of service.

Be patient, for all things come to those who seek. Seeking, my friends, is the most important thing that you do. Why, might you ask, is seeking of such great an importance? Friends, we are all evolving. Upon your planet there are many theories of evolution. None of them are correct. Evolution takes place as a product of consciousness. Consciousness evolves several different ways, but consciousness only evolves at a rapid rate when directed by consciousness. This direction is known as seeking.

There are many things that are sought by the people of your planet. However, the understanding of their own consciousness is sought by very, very few and this is what is necessary if they are to create an acceleration in their evolution, and this is what is desired by all of us who realize that the process of evolution is taking place, and what the rewards of evolvement are.

Seeking is the way of growing. It is, in Truth, for the people of this planet at this time their only way of Truly rapidly growing, growing, my friends, in a sense that is spiritual. All of us in this creation seek. All of us throughout all of space are growing, in a spiritual sense. What we seek is the important thing. Many of your people seek, but they do not seek things that are of value.

Every day you are given suggestions of things that you should seek, but if you will examine them you will find that most of them are of very little value. When you seek that Truth that is permanent, and everlasting, then you seek that which is of significance. We are attempting to remedy it in many ways and we are enlisting as much aid as we possibly can, for your people, at this time, are in very great need of knowledge of how and what to seek.

They have been seeking for so long within the material realms that most of them are totally unaware that seeking is possible within the spiritual realms. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are here to help your people with their seeking. There are all too few of them who are even aware that such seeking is important. Actually, they have chosen their physical incarnation, at this time, for the purpose of seeking the Truth of which I speak.

They are, however, for the most part unaware of this. This is unfortunate. It is written in your holy works that it is necessary to seek if you are to find. This is with reference to finding spiritual enlightenment. This is in reference to developing the awareness that is necessary for man on Earth to develop if he is to take his rightful place in the creation. The religions of your world have, for the most part, eliminated the responsibility for individual seeking.

There is an unbelievable amount of confusion existing upon the surface of your planet among your peoples. Many have been confused by the numerous religions which have given partial Truths and in some instances, complete falsehoods. Many of your peoples have done no thinking on matters of a spiritual nature and will have no concept of things that seem straightforward and of utmost simplicity to yourselves. This, however, is an extremely erroneous point of view.

It is very necessary for the individual to seek Truth, knowledge and the ultimate and supreme level of the Creator if he is to grow in strength and spirit and understanding and take at some future time his rightful position in the Father’s creation. This, my friends, is why seeking is so important. It is the only way for your people to get from where they are to where they should be. All of the people of this planet should not be where they are at this time.

Unfortunately, they are in a state of trance, they are Truly in a state of trance. They have been hypnotized by suggestions of social systems which have been built up by erroneous thinking through many centuries. Unfortunately, this condition is not being remedied at the rate that we would hope for at this time. The only way to break the chain of foolishness that reigns upon your planet is to awaken your people with proper information.

Unfortunately, as I have said, most of them at this time are not really seeking this type of information for they see no need of it. Your societies have grown to such a state of confusion that the importance of that which is real has been subjugated to nothingness: where the importance of that which is man has been elevated to the only state of importance.

The man known to you as Jesus, the last of the great teachers upon your planet, displayed reactions to the effects of his environment quite different than those about him. His reactions were due to his own state of evolved consciousness. He was able to realize the Truth of all that he experienced, and being able to do this, to Truly react with intelligence and to serve his fellow man, he was recognized as one who could be followed.

It may be thought of, shall we say, as a projector of which there are two components, the aimed direction of the projector, and the force which impels that seeking upon the projector. The seeking itself is largely the directional portion of the projector. The Energy which impels this seeking is the function of the Unity which is present between you and the creation.

There is an infinite amount of Energy available to all entities at all times, and when properly directed and fully realized, there is no limit to how far one may seek. However, the degree of realization of the Unity between the seeker and the creation of which he is a part varies from individual to individual, and it is through meditation that a closer and firmer realization of this Unity is obtained.

With the seeking carefully centered, aimed and prepared and with the Energy channel opened, you embark upon your seeking. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are aware that seeking is necessary if one is to get where he wishes to be, and he wishes to be at a higher state of awareness. Look about you, upon your planet.

There are many conscious beings, in many forms of life. There are the animals, and birds, and the fish, and man on Earth. And each has a state of awareness. But it seems that man has the higher state of awareness. And yet we tell you that this awareness is very minimal. And the awareness of man on Earth can be raised to an awareness that he would consider godlike.

But, my friends, this is what was meant for man to have. This is what was the original concept of the Creator, that this awareness would be possessed by all of His children. This is what it is necessary to seek, if you are to find this awareness. The reason that it is necessary to seek this awareness is that it cannot be given to you. It is something that each individual must find for himself. We are aware that it is not always as simple in the doing as in the telling and we do not wish to infer that we are not aware of the difficulties of working within the illusion.

But, my friends, what you seek is all about you. You have walled yourself away from what you seek because, within the illusion, it seems to be a safety-making factor to have walls, physical walls, mental walls of defense, emotional limits beyond which each individual does not go. For, he wishes to be safe within his walls, and within his illusion, these walls make him safe. But, my friends, this is the illusion.

The reality is that you are part of the Unity. There is none other than you. That which you seek is that which you are. You need only come into full realization of this Unity, and that which you seek will be yours. This, my friends, is your birthright. It is only necessary that the individual go about seeking in a proper way.

The Creator’s concept, my friends, is extremely simple. This we are here to bring to you. It is only necessary then that you seek an understanding of this simplicity. Then, upon understanding it, demonstrate it in your daily lives, and in your activities and associations with your fellow man. Then, my friends, the awareness that was meant for you will be yours.

It is an extremely simple process. It is only necessary that, first, man on Earth seek. We suggest that you, as individuals, attempt to evolve as best you can on an individual basis and at the same time attempt to, in your own way, act as examples of this evolution. By doing this, you will draw attention by maintaining a knowledge of Truth. I am Hatonn. Adonai vasu borragus.

It has been the practice of the people of this planet to separate their thinking from the thinking of others. This is not a common situation. It is not a necessary situation. It is a false illusion. It is very simple, my friends, to rid yourselves of the illusion that your mind is a separate and unique entity. It is only necessary that you first become aware of the creation in its True essence. To develop this awareness, it is of course necessary that you meditate. Meditation, my friends, is a very, very effective tool if you are to accomplish anything. But first you must understand what we mean by meditation.

We have stated that it is necessary that you clear your mind of thoughts. This is not always too easy to do, but it can be accomplished. There are many techniques that may aid you in doing this. Various sounds are sometimes used, and things to concentrate on are sometimes used, so that a single thought is allowed to remain. And then, from this single thought, no thoughts occur.

It is necessary that, if you are to be totally relaxed in meditation, you totally relax. It is necessary, in addition to practicing this form of meditation, for you to become aware of the original creation, and not creation of man. Pay attention to that which is natural. Become aware of it. People of your planet are not aware of the original creation. They have created a very false illusion. Therefore, they are not in awareness of reality. If you think that you are totally aware of the original creation at this time, then you are mistaken.

The first step will be to seek to understand each thing that you see that is a portion of the original creation. Take those things one at a time, and consider them in detail, and try to establish in your mind a totally detached understanding of them. If this part of the creation happens to be a leaf, then study it with care. Become aware of it. Do not rely on old impressions. Develop an awareness of each thing. This will be the first step. I am Hatonn. Adonai vasu.

My friends, I am what you call a space man. But so are you. For where do you dwell but in space? From our point of view, you are as much in space as are we. Therefore, you are also a space man. You see, my friends, there is very little difference between yourselves and us. All men are in space, they are all space men. For what you call space is infinite, and surrounds all of the creation. We are no different. We are just slightly separated. Not by distances, my friends. By thinking. You have learned to think in a way that isolates you. It is not necessary that you remain in isolation. To do this, it is only necessary that you think in a slightly different manner. It is not a difficult thing to do. It is a simple thing to do.

Do not use the intellectual processes that you have used in the past. Learn to totally rebuke arriving at conclusions in what you consider a logical manner, for these conclusions will be based on suppositions that are made with very weak fabric, the fabric of the creation of man of Earth. If you wish an answer to any question, it is only necessary to base your knowledge on Truth. This you can do through meditation. It is always available. It is not necessary to make a complex analysis.

There is a correct solution for every problem. Analyses based on the false fabric of your material world are short-lived, and the intellectual process that is so prevalent among the peoples of your planet is invariably based upon this falsity. It has been stated, “Know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” Free from what? Free from many things, my friends. Free from many, many things. For cutting yourselves off from Truth begins to put more and more limitations upon you. It is a difficult thing to relay to you, because you have been accustomed to another way of thinking. You have been accustomed to the proposition of cause and effect. The cause, my friends, is the Creator. The effect is Love.

This is all that there is. This is the simplicity of the Truth. Hear my words and understand them. Man was created with this Truth within him. It is available to all men throughout all time. It is available through meditation. It is not necessary to try to understand, in an intellectual way. It is only necessary to know. It is stated that you should know the Truth to be free. The word that is used is “know.” Know what the Truth is, my friends. Know it. Meditation will provide this knowledge. I am Latui. Adonai vasu borragus.

It is extremely difficult for the people of this planet to remove their thinking from the hypnotic state that has been created. Everything that they experience is created by their own thinking. You cannot experience something that you cannot think, because this is all that there is: there is nothing but thought. Everything that you experience has been created by mind. It is in some instances obvious that this is True. In others, it is less obvious. If you consider the creations of man, whatever they may be - his cities, his homes or factories, or vehicles for conveyance - all of these things are expressions of his thought.

They have been brought into Existence through a physical manipulation of his physical body. However, they are no less a direct manifestation of thought. It is found in many forms and expressions, but thought is the source of all that there is: the thought of the Creator. And this is what you are. And you are able, like the Creator, to generate thought. The thought that you generate is your responsibility. This is what we are attempting to give man on Earth, the original thought.

The entire creation is an expression of thought, the original thought of the Creator. It is possible for you to appreciate this statement by considering what is in evidence about you. About you, you find the expressions and manifestations of the creations of man. This preoccupies most of the people of this planet. In addition to those creations, you find the expressions and creations of the Creator. However, upon considering this, it should be noted that man is an expression and a creation of the Creator. Therefore, his creations are simply an extension of the original thought and the original creation of the Creator.

It is therefore evident that all creations throughout this infinite creation are the works, in either a direct or indirect sense, of the Creator of us all. Through the process of meditation, it is possible to know this original thought: we have called it Love, but this can only be understood through meditation. In an environment such as yours, meditation is of even greater importance than in an environment such as ours, for we have very, very little to overcome in our understanding of our fellow man.

It is suggested, therefore, that through the process of daily meditation, you will develop an understanding of this thought that created all of us. This is what man needs at this time. It is not a common concept among the people of your planet. This is the reason for their difficulties. The Creator never imagined difficulties in His creation. They are the product of man’s erroneous thinking. The people of this planet each generates thought, and communicates these thoughts to others. If the thoughts that are generated are of a low quality, then they will in turn generate low quality thoughts in others.

This is a self-perpetuating action. And this is the reason for the strife and confusion that is so abundant with the people of this planet. It is erroneous to say that you cannot do anything about the situation as complex as this one which has been created by millions and millions of minds through thousands and thousands of years. It is only necessary that the individual remove himself in thought from this sea of confusion, and express himself in the True Love and Light of the Infinite Creator.

Unfortunately, on this planet there is what we might term as interference. This interference occurs because of erroneous thoughts that are manifested in most of the areas of your planet. These erroneous thoughts are of a nature so as to cause a problem in the realization of Truth. These erroneous thoughts must be totally obliterated from the thinking of an individual if he is to be successful in returning to the original thinking with which he was created. This may be done at any time. It is up to the individual. If he desires to do this, then it is only necessary that he do it. This has been demonstrated to the people of this planet many times in the past by the teachers who were here to demonstrate to the people of Earth life and the expressions of the Creator as they were intended.

It is a very simple lesson, but man on Earth desires to ignore this. Very few accept these teachings and stand in the Light and express only the Love and understanding of the Creator of us all. This is unfortunate. It is a situation that we who are in the service of our Infinite Creator are attempting to remedy, by giving instructions which are not only verbal, and which have difficulty in penetrating the barrier which the mind has erected, but instructions of a nature that will bypass this intellectual barrier and reach the spiritual self directly.

This is done, of course, during the process of meditation. It is only necessary that you avail yourself to these concepts for those concepts to begin to cause the individual to realize once more his proper stature and position in the Creator’s scheme of things. It was stated by your last great teacher, “Know ye not that ye are Gods?” This man understood the True created purpose of all of mankind. Why is it necessary for people, especially people who have been made aware of Truth through their seeking, to stop short of achieving the knowledge of their True created purpose and being?

We have been puzzled at times by the inability of the people in general of this planet to be awakened to this simple Truth. We suggest that it is necessary to maintain a continual awareness of your objective. We suggest that that objective is to realize your True position in the creation, and then to act in a manner intended by the Creator. In order to do this, it will be necessary that a considerable effort be put forth. We find that the state of hypnosis brought about by the evolution of thought of the people of this planet is so great that if an individual is to free himself from it, it is necessary for him to maintain a constant awareness of his spiritual nature and purpose, and to augment this awareness with meditation.

The effort put forth to do this will be much more rewarding than any other activity that the individual can engage in. If this process of daily meditation will be continued, then each of those who avail themselves to this will find that they begin to become aware of things about them in a new sense, and that they find that they begin to appreciate the True creation in a greater and more beautiful way. This step must be successfully made by each individual of this planet at some time or other. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to do it at the earliest possible time, for it is an extremely beneficial step. It is necessary that if an individual is to make progress in a spiritual sense, that it be a result of an inner-directed seeking of his own, rather than an outer-directed commandment given to him by an organization of a religious or other nature.

The elimination of the concept of self is an important one in your spiritual seeking. There is no necessity to establish within one’s thinking an appreciation of self. For this presupposes that it is possible to separate self from the entire creation. If one appreciates any part of the creation, then one appreciates self, for they are one and the same thing. It is necessary only to appreciate the Creator and His product, the creation. In appreciating any part of the Creation, one must appreciate all parts, for they are inseparable. It is therefore important to act in unison with the creation rather than out of harmony due to a lack of confidence in a state of oneness.

Appreciate, then, this Unity. Appreciate your oneness with the Creator and the creation. If this is done, then other objectives will be of very little value. It is possible to achieve this understanding of oneness with all by availing yourself to this knowledge and understanding through the process of daily meditation. Meditation, my friends, is one word with one concept we project over and over. We do this for a simple reason, it is the best fruit that we have to give you, for all that we can do, my friends, is to point you in the direction of that which you are seeking. We can only point you in the direction of your inner self, for your inner self is one, truly one, with the Creator, and you are a creation. This is what meditation is designed to do.

To put you, part of the creation of the Father, into direct communication with the Father, which is all that there is. The creation of the Father is all about you, my friends. This too we have said and we say it to you again. Remember it, my friends, as you go about your daily routine. If you can see something which was not made by those upon the surface of your planet, such as the clouds, the water, the vegetation or the animals, observe what you see, be it large or small. Truly observe the creation of the Father, there is much to observe. You yourself are a creation of the Father. Truly observe yourself.

In this way, as well as meditation, you may become more aware of the Truth of what is. The creation of the Father is all about you. Meditation is within and needs only to be beckoned forth. Meditation, my friends, is a much more basic, and much more general technique than you may think. It is not part of a daily life, my friends. It is the beginning of a completely new life. It is a replacement. The two types of life, that is, that not in meditation and that in meditation, are two completely different vibrations. The reason for this is that, one, the normal physical existence dwells and deals completely within the illusion. The meditation is an attempt to contact your original identity, the consciousness of the all. This consciousness is a much different reality, a transcendent reality to that of the illusion.

My friends, to dwell in the higher reality is an experience transcendent to your illusion. It sheds its own light upon your life as you return to the illusion. When there are pressures, doubts and difficulties, turn to meditation. When there continue to be these, continue to turn to meditation. Stay in meditation as long as you can in order to acquire understanding. For only in this way can the people of planet Earth free themselves from the erroneous thoughts that have been impressed upon them for so very long. I am Hatonn. Open your minds and your hearts, and let it fill you with its Love.

I am Philip of The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. It is very difficult loving in the society that you now enjoy. So spend much time in seeking, for you are constantly confused and drawn into unimportant problems. Your daily lives are beset by many difficulties. And this makes it difficult for you to seek the Father through meditation. My friends, the Father is infinite and in everything you do and in everything you see and in everything you touch there is nothing but the Father. For He is and you are.

He and you are one and I and you are one and we are all one, beloved ones. There is nothing else but the Father and I. When you go through your daily lives, know this Truth. And demonstrate it in everything that you do. For this, my friends, is that which is Truth. This is the Truth that you seek. This the Truth that we all seek. For when we know this, my friends, there is nothing else to know.

Throughout your planet, my friends, there are many, many peoples of many, many races and each of them think many, many things. But you must see them and you must know them as one. For each of them is a part of the Father as a part of you. And all that is necessary for you to realize this is to open your eyes and see. For man on Earth has these eyes, but what he sees is, for the most part, something that he designed for himself to see.

The Father, my friends, made the creation. We are the creation. We are the Father. We are all one. It is impossible to be anything else. No matter where you are, what you think or what you do, this fact remains: that you and all of your brothers and sisters throughout all of this infinite creation are one single, great, living Being. Not only brothers and sisters, but all of life; and all of the Trees and Flowers and Rocks and all of the foliage and all of the Planets and Stars are part of that one great Being.

And yet, man on Earth attempts to separate and divide and subdivide. And this is not Truth. And yet he does not realize for he is yet in a state of ignorance brought on by his own misdirected thinking. And yet Truth is simplicity itself and yet he has complicated this Truth to such an extent as to kill his fellow creatures in great profusion. And he has generated such hatred for his fellow creatures and in doing so has generated this hatred for himself. For to hate your fellow men, my friends, is to hate yourself. And in doing so, he has brought upon himself terrible, terrible grief. For what could be worse than inflicting pain and destruction upon oneself?

And this is what he does. There are millions and millions and millions of planets throughout the creation. And these are inhabited by millions and millions of people. People like yourself. And yet, they do not hate. They do not fear. They do not envy. They do not show greed. They do not judge. For how is it possible to do any of these things if there is only one being? For in doing any of these things it is nothing but a self-inflicted wound. I and my Father are one. These are True, these spoken words. I and my Father are one. And each of you, as all people throughout all of the creation, one. One. Know this and this alone and you will know enough. But know it, my friends. Do not think it. Do not speak it. Do not accept it. Know it. For when you know it, you will then know Love. For there is nothing else.

I am with you, my friends, in the Love and the Light of our Infinite Creator. I am Oxal. My friends, this is of no consequence, for I am the Creator. Yes, my friends, you are listening to the voice of the Creator. You hear the voice of the Creator each day, my friends, as you go about your daily activities. It is only necessary to recognize it. As you meet your fellow man in your daily activities, as he speaks, then you hear the voice of your Creator. Birds singing in the Trees, my friends, speak with the voice of the Creator. The very Winds that blow through these Trees speak to you, my friends. And this noise that you hear is the voice of the Creator, for His expressions are infinite. It is only necessary that you hear and see these expressions and then, when you hear and see them, it is then necessary that you understand them, to understand that these are the Creator.

This is what is missing upon your planet, my friends: the simple understanding that all of these things are the same thing. They are the Creator. This knowledge is self-evident. It does not require a complex analysis. It does not require that I prove to you that what I am saying is True. Truth, my friends, speaks to you. It is all about you. It is the Creator. It is only necessary for you to recognize this, totally, with no reservation, and then you will think as the Creator thinks. For the Creator recognizes Himself, and there is no part of Himself that He does not accept, for it is Him, and He is one thing, the creation. It is impossible to separate yourself from the creation. It is impossible to isolate yourself from the creation. You are it, and it is you. And all of its parts speak to you, saying, “Be of the creation.” It is only necessary that man on Earth listen to this voice, and then understand its words.

Understand and then demonstrate this understanding, and then man on Earth will take his rightful place with those of us who roam through this infinite creation. For this is our privilege, and this is your privilege, for we are all the same thing. We are Love, and we are Light. I hope that I have been of assistance in giving to you my concept of Truth. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are expressing our concept of Truth, a concept that is the result of our seeking. When we look at you, we see our Creator. This is our understanding. When we look at this infinite creation, in all of its wonders and all of its vastness, in all of its splendor, we are seeing the Creator.

This is our understanding. And when we look at the smallest form of life, or even an insect, we are looking at our Creator. This is our understanding. For our understanding is that the Creator is expressing Himself throughout all of the infinite manifestations that we experience. And His thought in all of these manifestations is a thought of Love. For this is the Creator. Adonai, my friends.

I am Teronn. I greet you in the Love and the Light of our Infinite Creator. I wish to say to you with all my heart, my friends, look up. Pay attention, my friends. Every day, every breath is fantastic. Don’t lose time, my friends. Don’t lose spiritual consciousness. That which you are experiencing is precious unto you. Horde it and be aware of it. You are experiencing physical Existence. This is very precious, my friends. You will not find such intensity possible in other forms of Existence. You will not find the ability to experience with such rapidity and such purity those things which you call emotions. Each moment is a moment of adventure and magic. My friends, look up. Pay attention. Do not let these things go by you. Allow yourself to experience each thing that is yours. Allow those things known as emotions within you to mature so that each emotion is as pure and as a living color.

Each emotion is indeed like a living color. It may be clear or it may be murky. Those upon your planet seem to be somewhat murky in their emotions. They are attempting to purify their emotions for they are the things that survive. They are not actually emotions but you know them as emotions. They are the colors of the spectrum of light. They are consciousness. And to experience these colors or emotions is to experience the Creator, which is the sum of all which there is. Each expression which you feel may be purified to its complete end or final form of Love and Unity.

Greetings, my brothers and sisters, in the Love and the Light of our Infinite Creator. I and my brothers are here only to serve you, my friends. And it is a very great pleasure to be here. We serve you, and we seek. Serving is seeking. The two words seem different: to seek and to serve. One suggests that you need something, and one suggests that you have something, for those who seek must need, and those who serve must have, to give away. And so I would like to speak, my friends, about these two words. You are seeking and you are seeking to serve. It is a paradox, is it not, my friends? It is a paradox, as are all intellectual things. And yet it is the simple Truth, that they are one thing.

In this illusion of Earth, my friends, those of your planet are as though they were supplicants: poor, needful and ever lacking those things which they need to progress. And so they go on a pilgrimage: some to gain physical security, and some to seek the spiritual in life. But there is the concept of seeking which will garner a type of treasure that can be held, and can be shown, and can be counted. Perhaps we would call this, my friends, dealing from a position of weakness.

In this illusion, my friends, it would seem possible to be weak, to be limited, and to be in need. Yet this illusion is banished by reality. And this reality is what we seek. And when we seek reality, we turn either very far inward or very far outward— another paradox, my friends—into the Light. And we find that we are not dealing from a position of poverty, but that we have all that we have been seeking. But we are indeed dealing from a position of complete strength. Because we are infinite. You, my friends, are infinite. You do not need help. You only need realization. All I can tell you, all you can learn, all that is possible in this infinite creation is abiding eternally within you.

For you are one with all that there is. In the illusion, my friends, I am aware that I would be doing you a disservice if I did not realize that you have much to contend with, for the illusion is very strong. But so much of the illusion suggests to you that the illusion itself lacks spirituality because various things are various and sundry ways, and they do not suit you. And it would seem perhaps that spirituality might consist in more manageable and more uniform things in your environment. The illusion is as evanescent as a bubble: pop! and it will be gone. It is as fleeting as a dream. Soon, you will awaken.

It will change, as does day to night, and night to day. You need not do more than appreciate the infinity of the creation even in the tiny part which is the illusion. And then, my friends, relax, and let the illusion float by you. Rest in the confidence of your seeking, and of your seeking to serve. For you have much to give, my friends. We are always with those of the people of this planet who desire our presence. This is our service to the people of this planet at this time. This is our technique of seeking. It may seen strange that we would seek through service, but this is our understanding of seeking.

It is stated in your holy works that it is necessary to seek in order to find. We have found many ways of seeking. One of these is to serve your fellow man. And this is our form of seeking at this time. We are seeking understanding—understanding of the Creator, for this is our desire. We are seeking this understanding through service, through serving our fellow man on Earth, and aiding him in his desire to understand the Creator. And through aiding him, and fulfilling his desire, we aid ourselves in fulfilling our desire. For in doing this, not only does man on Earth perhaps learn more of this creation and the Creator, but also we: for it is a law of this creation that only through service may one be served.

In serving others, we serve ourselves, as even does man on Earth. For this was the original idea that generated the entire infinite creation: the idea of mutual service, the idea of mutual understanding, and the idea of mutual Love. This we are bringing to man on Earth, an understanding of that is within him, an understanding of that which created him, an understanding of our service and the need for his. It is unfortunate that there are so many that do not understand the True principles of this creation.

We are attempting to help them realize this Truth. It is within them and this is our service, to help them find what they desire to find—the realization of the thought that generated, not only them, but all that there is, and the thought that provided that all that there is act in such a way to serve all that there is. This Truth is all about you, very obvious to those who have stilled themselves for the very short time that is required to become aware of it. It is very obvious to those of us who view the creation of the Father in its original form. All of its parts act to support all of its other parts. All that sustains each of us is a gift of our Creator.

All of the joys and experiences that come to us are gifts of our Creator. It is only man upon this planet who has become lost in a complex creation of his own, with many thoughts of a complex but trivial nature that keep them very busy, in an effort to reach that which is of no value—a minor creation that will last only the shortest period of time—which has no value, once it is attained, for he will lose it, and once again return to the creation. All of the children of the Creator throughout all of the Universe, all of this infinite creation, my friends, are Truly seeking only one thing, whether they realize this or not: they are seeking understanding, for this is all that is necessary.

For once this understanding is accomplished, then all things are possible, for this is the way that the Creator designed it, this is the way that He provided. It is only necessary that you realize this. It is only necessary that you demonstrate, in each thought, this realization. And then, my friends, you and the Creator are one, and you and the Creator have equal power. For this is Truth: each of us is the Creator. It is very difficult for man on this planet to look about him and realize the Truth for what it actually is. He has been conditioned, through his thinking and through the thoughts of others, for a very long period of time, to see things as they are given to him, rather than as they really are.

The way that they really are, my friends, is extremely simple, for this is the way that was provided by the Creator. This simplicity is within each of the children of the Creator. Each of them possess all of the knowledge that was the original creation. It is only necessary that they avail themselves to that knowledge. And this is very simple. It is done though the process of meditation. When this is done, all the Truth and beauty of the original creation become apparent. And then it will not be possible for the individual to be fooled by the illusion. He will not see his fellow man in any form but perfection, even though within the illusion he has been taught to disdain.

This was not planned by the Creator. The Creator only planned that each of His creations should express itself in any way that he chose. This, my friends, is perfection. If man on Earth could only realize this, he would once more think in total harmony with the original creation. This may be done on an individual basis. It is not necessary that this be understood in an intellectual sense, or by anyone else than the individual endeavoring to reach this understanding.

This has been demonstrated upon your planet before. The man most familiar to you having demonstrated his understanding is known to you as Jesus. He made the simple realization, and then demonstrated it by his activities, this understanding. It was not necessary that he be understood by his fellow man, for it is impossible to force externally upon another individual this understanding. It is only possible that this understanding be attained from within.

But yet, this man demonstrated this understanding, pointed out a pathway, a guidepost for others, so that they too could find the original creation, and once more lead themselves from darkness to Light. For Light, my friends, is eternal and infinite and real. The rest is illusion. Go within. Become aware of reality. It is within each of you. We are here to help you find that reality. We are here to bring you our understanding and our Love. This is our service. I am Hatonn. Adonai vasu borragus.

Man on Earth has very little understanding of his life. The life of an individual is not what he thinks that it is. Very few of those who dwell upon your planet have any understanding of life. Man upon planet Earth is concerned with a life that is limited by his waking hours, during a present physical lifetime. His plans, his desires, and his activities are governed by his awareness of this extremely limited portion of experience, what he considers his physical life.

For this reason, the plans and the objectives of those who dwell upon Earth are extremely limited, and for the most part of no value whatsoever. In order to intelligently make plans, it is necessary that one have information about future objectives. Man on Earth, for the most part, has none of this information, for he has not sought it. He is simply existing in a very limited state of awareness and reacting to what he is able to determine about this limited awareness. Those reactions result in his activities, which are from our point of view ridiculous.

We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are aware of a much longer span of life than is man on Earth. The span of life that we are aware of is of infinite length. For this reason, our plans and our objectives and our activities are much different from those who dwell upon this planet. Man upon Earth is not trying to understand how to live. He is not trying to understand how to live because he is not trying to understand life. Life is extremely simple, and an understanding of life requires an extremely simple approach. Presently, man in your society upon Earth is attempting to approach what he considers to be life in an extremely complex manner.

In doing this, he is making numerous plans and numerous deductions, based upon observations that are so limited that they are almost totally false. Some of the people of your planet have some awareness of the principles that affect an individual in his True infinite state: and they are aware of the necessity to make plans for objectives that are totally outside of the very limited state that you call the physical life. We are here to attempt to help those who are seeking a greater awareness find it. We are attempting to bring a simple teaching that will allow you to become able to make your own decisions as a result of a much greater awareness of Truth than is presently available upon your planet.

At this time, I will speak to the limits of my ability to translate our understanding of life into your language about the realities of life. Life is composed of two materials. One of them is what you might call consciousness. The other is Light. But, my friends, consciousness is Love and Light is its physical manifestation. All that you are able to experience in the way of a physical Universe is composed of one ingredient. This ingredient we will call Light, since this word is closest to what we wish to express, and it is the only word that we have available in your language to express the basic building block of our Creator.

Originally, the Creator expressed a desire. This desire was expressed in a state of consciousness that is best described in your language using the word, Love. The Creator, then, expressing desire through Love, caused the creation of all matter. He caused the creation of Light. This Light was then formed in its infinite configurations in the infinite Universe to produce all of the forms that are experienced. All of these forms, then, are molded or generated through the expression of consciousness that is Love.

They are composed of a fabric that is Light. For this reason we greet you with the statement, “in His Love and His Light.” For this, then, encompasses all that there is: the consciousness that creates, and the fabric that is Love and Light. The Love that produces the configuration of Light occurs in what we term various vibrations—or, using a word in your language that is not sufficient but somewhat descriptive, “frequency”—Love occurs, then, in various vibrations or frequencies. These vibrations or frequencies are the result of free will. When the Creator produced this original concept the concept included the gift of freedom of choice to all of the parts that He created.

Those parts are then totally free to change the original thought. In doing so, they change what you understand to be the vibration of some portion of the original thought. Each of you here has a vibration. This vibration is yours, and you have control over it. Your freedom of choice has created the Love that manifests the Light that is the fabric molded into your physical form. This in the simplest analysis of all created forms of all of the creation. Each part of it is able to utilize its own consciousness, through the principle of freedom of choice, to vary or change the original vibration.

The creation, therefore, continues to be self-generating, in an infinite variety. This was provided for in the original thought of the Creator. It was provided that He might generate in an infinite way, in an infinite number of forms. Through this use of freedom of choice, man upon planet Earth has generated many forms. Some of these forms were never envisioned by the Creator with the original thought. However, they were allowed for, due to the principle of freedom of choice. This is perhaps the most important principle in this creation: that each of the Creator’s parts be able, throughout eternity, to select for themselves what they desire.

In experimenting with this desire there have in some instances become a slight problem in straying away from thoughts and desires that would be most beneficial. In experimenting with these desires, none of the created parts have lost contact with the original desire. This has occurred in many places in this creation. We are here at present to communicate to those who desire to find their way back to the original thought information leading those who desire the path back along the path to the original thought.

It is necessary that we an act in such a way so as to lead only those who desire this pathway along it, therefore not violating the important principle of total freedom of choice. Each of you, as do all parts of this creation, have a particular vibration or frequency. This vibration or frequency is the only important part of your being, since it is an index of your consciousness with respect to the original thought.

When an individual is aware of life in its infinite sense he is also aware of the benefits of matching this vibration with the vibration of the original thought. It is our effort to match our vibration with that of the original thought. This in the reason that we of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are here now, for this service that we perform is a service that would be in harmony with the original thought. This then produces in within us a vibration more harmonious to the original thought.

We are attempting to give instructions to those of the planet Earth who seek how to produce within themselves the vibration that is more harmonious with the original thought. This was demonstrated upon your planet many times before by teachers. The last one of whom you are familiar was the one known to you as Jesus. He attempted to demonstrate by his activities his thinking. His thinking was in harmony, much more than those about him, with the original thought. His vibration was, therefore, much more in harmony with the original vibration.

For this reason he was able to work what were called miracles. However, the original thought was that all of the parts of the consciousness that were of the original thought should be able to generate by thought and consciousness what would be desired. The man known as Jesus desired, and therefore created, since the vibration which he generated was in harmony with the vibration which the Creator used to form the creation. It is only necessary, then, that an individual become in harmony with the vibration that formed the creation in order for him to act within the creation as did the Creator, and as does the Creator. This was demonstrated to you by the one known to you as Jesus.

Not only did he demonstrate what could be done, but also how to think in order to do this. It was desired that those who were aware of his thinking and his activities then follow the example, and as he did, become more in unison and in a harmonious vibration with the thought of their Creator. We are here to bring you information and to impress upon you in a non-intellectual way during meditation the idea that it is necessary for you to increase the vibratory rate of your real being so that it is harmonious with the original thought of our Creator.

It is only necessary that you attempt to understand these teachings. Understand them in depth. Understanding in depth can be done only through meditation. And then, once these teachings are understood, it will be necessary that they be applied and that the individual so desiring to apply them demonstrate in his daily activities and in his daily thinking the concept that was the original thought, the concept that we have spoken to you as being Love. We have used this word because it is as close as we can come, using language, to the original thought. However, this word is miniature compared to the original thought. This original thought can’t be obtained in your intellect, only to a very small degree. It must be obtained in your total being, through the process of meditation.

Once this is done, and once your activities and thinking reflect this thought, your vibration will increase. At this time you will find the kingdom that has to understand simplicity. It is more to the nature of this illusion here manifesting on the surface of your planet to have a complicated and carefully controlled series of tests to perform, in order to reach a goal. But, my friends, Truth is in the opposite direction of this, meditation brings to you this realization in a non-intellectual manner. But to arise from your meditation, my friends, and to demonstrate the Truth that you have learned is indeed a challenge to your spirit.

For how does one demonstrate the absolutely simple? Picture if you will, my friends, a prison, deep in the ground. There is old metal, and many rusty keys. And inside the old metal cells in this dungeon, deep underground, there are many, many ghosts, that can barely be seen. And yet they are trapped. My friends, you are holding yourselves prisoner. Meditation allies you with the Truth of freedom, with the Truth of infinity. Unlock your own spirits from these dungeons by simply realizing that each intellectual thought process is a mere shade, only a ghost, and cannot harm, hurt or cause you pain. As these shades disappear, you rise from this earthly, rusty frame of mind and you are aware of perhaps a feeling of parting that was even painful, for it is difficult to let those things that trouble you go.

And yet, my friends, once you are up in the Sunlight, and the Sun is warming you, and you can lift yourself to the infinite grace and listen for the Waters of Truth, you have found an avenue from meditation to demonstration. At those times, my friends, that the illusion presses most strongly upon you, and in your desire for spiritual growth you ask what is the Truth of this, my friends, ask yourself, “Does this problem have to do with my spiritual growth?” And, “Does it have to do with a service to aid another in spiritual growth?”

My friends, if the answer is “yes,” this problem is in the area I have described as the dungeon. It need only be let go, and then you need only become aware of the real creation, in its infinity, all around you, for you to have demonstrated at that moment a spiritual growth. This Earth of yours, my friends, teems with many, many creatures. Infinite variety, and infinitely different manifestations of activity. We are all one with you. There is no possible relationship to them except Unity, Love and service.

Consider the Tree which produces fruit. The Tree spends much time, much Love, and much care and all of its Energy, in producing the edible fruit which it then offers to any who would desire to take the fruit. This is its service and, my friends, it may be that one Tree goes through an entire cycle without benefiting any entities and instead of having been of service the Tree has been unable to give of its fruit. But, my friends, the Tree does not become discouraged for it knows several things. It knows that after rest it will be ready again to be of service and it knows that even though the fruit withers and drops to the ground that the seeds within it may produce for many, many years to come other fruit Trees and other fruit and an endless amount of service.

Your greatest service is your Love for all of the creation. Love any part and you Love all, but Love all and you shall Love any part. My friends, man has been given free will by his Infinite Father and therefore man also is a Creator. And man creates many, many things within the illusion. These things separate him from other entities and from the True creation.

I... A Universe Of Atoms, An Atom In The Universe.


Another day had passed: at 34 years of living I asked myself "How should I continue life ?". I had been through the common rigors of schooling, pursuit of material things that seemed to satsify, fun times going out that are supposed to make us feel happy and an outlook of how far I could progress in my career. It was the perfect time to think as my previous role had been terminated and I had the freedom of mind to contemplate.

My intuition led me to start continuing the pursuit to be the best version of me and so I started to seek knowledge to reach my potential. My current paradigm of life only led my beliefs so far just as the red light makes you stop. As I continued my pursuit to be the best me, I fell upon a body of knowledge that the Universe planned for me to find. I read for the first time in 34 years the words that allowed a green light to expand my beliefs and pursue a greater venture.


Love endows one with a life of enlightenment, empowerment, bliss and fulfillment through Intelligent Infinity.

Existence is Love, Existence is Earth.

My friends, of what substance is the Universe made? We have told you that this substance is Light. You may also call this substance Energy, vibration or consciousness. And yet, my friends, by itself, this substance, this fundamental unitary substance would remain in an uncorporate state. The shaping force, my friends, is Love. And so we greet you in Love and Light. For there is nothing but these two substances which are, in fact, two aspects of the single building block of the physical and the spiritual Universe.

Light is the substance out of which the creation is formed. The Creator’s Love causes vibrations. This is what is meant when the term “vibration” is used. It is a condition of Love. These vibrations are the building Energies that compose all of the creation, in its entire infinite and boundless sense. These vibrations produce a manifestation that you have come to know as the visible creation—the visible creation, and many, many invisible creations: invisible to you at this time, however, not inaccessible. These vibrations produce the basic particle that you understand as a particle of Light. This particle is associated with these vibrations. And therefore it manifests as a function of the rate of these vibrations, and produces the creation, the creation in which you and all of your fellow beings experience that which you desire.

Since both you and the Creator are one, both you and I and all of the creation is a product of Love. This Love is a concept creating a real force, which is interpreted as a vibration. This vibration is measurable, and occurs in different intensities. The intensities are a function of the intensities of Love that generate the vibration. It is possible for the parts of the Creator who act through the free will of their own to generate these vibrations using their Love, and so producing the particles known to you as Light. These particles are arranged by this expression of Love to produce all of what you consider your physical world and its inhabitants, and all other worlds and their inhabitants, be they what you consider physical or non-physical, for this is how all of the creation is manifested.

You, my friends, in your spiritual reality are articulated Light shaped by Love in such a way that you possess freedom and desire. Your Light is shaped by the Love of freedom and the Love of desire. You are one being, part and parcel of the great Universe which is the creation. And your basic desire is shaped towards reunion with your Creator. You are Love and Light—and yet, you have freedom. This is your spiritual reality: that you are a being articulated in Light and fashioned in Love, by your very nature destined to progress back towards your point of origin which is the Creator. But also, by your very nature having the freedom to choose just when you will decide to make that journey. My friends, Universes, such as the one you are now experiencing, are environments for beings, such as yourselves, to experience and enjoy. I am Hatonn. My brothers and I greet you and say farewell.



As Sugar is the Apple, Love is the Universe. The foundation of Existence: a sea of living, loving, vibrating information: Intelligent Infinity is referred to as God, Allah, Infinite Creator, Divine Matrix or Akasha, Brahman, Logos, Ahura Mazda, Cosmic Nous in ancient wisdom is the Love that created, sustains and governs the Universe. All Creation: Plant, Animal, Mountain, Star, Planet, Galaxy, Water, Human, Extraterrestrial are manifestations of Love from Intelligent Infinity which are all inter-connected with this dynamic web of brilliance. For Humans: Love occurs through the use of our sense, thought, emotion, behavior and belief aligned with Love. Love is the medium through which we access Intelligent Infinity via Meditation and ensues with the understanding of our individuality, our destiny, our connection with all creation, an Ascended state of being which promotes joy, compassion, fulfillment, gratitude, harmony with the Universe, a release of our ego's desires, everlasting natural euphoria along with our role in evolving Love on Earth. What we perceive as reality with our senses is not accurate and complete. Our perception and belief currently focuses on physical matter of the outer world, the visible world yet Truth is our perception and belief needs to focus on our inner world, the invisible world: this is where Love is engaged. Children naturally display Love through co-operation, joy, wonder, non-judgement, positive relationship with Nature and are the example our connection of Love with the Infinite Creator is innate. Love is displayed in many ways on Earth: the Tree that provides the fruit, the Sun that grows the Tree, the Bird singing of joy, the beauty of the Forest, the beauty of the Sun setting, the beauty of the Moon full of light are all examples of Love to which our attention needs to be given to for us to interact with Intelligent Infinity. We currently live in the dark ages of Love and our understanding is only beginning as we will further understand, develop and integrate Love into life for profound benefits to ourselves, society and planet. Love has been dismissed, neglected and forgotten due to the human species being enslaved by the orion group which is based on lies about the Universe. The basis of the enslavement is to ensure we never engage Love in our life and focus on the false life that we currently live: school, work, money, materialism. Our beliefs have been shaped by mind control and encompasses all aspects of life which we feel is the normal way of living when in fact it has been fabricated. Pattern or repetition is how the mind establishes neural networks and establishing a pattern allows for prediction. In this instance since the pattern of humans was studied the same way as laboratory animals, this allowed for the prediction of human sense, thought, emotion and behavior based on orion group requirements and is the mechanism that is being taken advantage of for manipulation and conrol, just as the domestication of animals, which occurs immediately when born until death as we are enculturated with mistruth and results in humans living their entire life in delusion. Just as the characters and plot in a movie which show characters responding, reacting to different aspects of the given plot, humans are the same and is the basis for your enslavement. The orion group has enslaved humans to feed off of anti-love emotional reactions: anger, hate, despair, fear, worry, anxiety through conflict and fighting. Your perception of Love is purposefully inhibited which is the Truth for normal. Your life is hijacked by using language, education, time and calendar as the cornerstone of enslavement instead of feeling Love through Meditation in Nature as you are raised. Language shapes the way you think and determines what you can think about, thus current human society is only able to think based on orion group requirements. Language is used to prepare your mind for programming, which occurs in school. Education is the programming that fills your mind with information to establish your enslavement and is the basis for all occupations, which is your enslavement role for the orion group. Time makes you think of the past and future with the calendar year-month-week-day-hour-minute-second model for measurement, thus your thoughts are associated with this timing model but in reality the phases of the Moon are the means by which cycles progress with only the current cycle (day), the current moment existing, there is only 'the now' while leaving the future open to any unpredictable possibility with the past cycles for analysis of synchronous life events. This is the mindset needed to properly engage Love. A human has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day with 80 to 90 percent of thoughts being repeated because a pattern has developed. All human thoughts are due to mind control and dominated by orion group constructs instead of thoughts aligned with Love, with God and are repeated every cycle until you die. Our enslavement has resulted in Earth and human culture chaos: psychotic capitalism, nature ignorance and destruction, continuous material possession, religious and political law dogma, financial slavery, technology deluge, media deceit and fear mongering, corporate feudalism, pharmaceutical drug sham, human atrocities, incessant plastic proliferation, newtonian-darwinism fallacy and mass extinction of mammal, bird, fish and reptile populations causing humans to lead their own demise. This is the suffering of us and Earth from the orion group to distract humans from the Truth of the Universe, the Truth of Love. We must pause and reflect about Existence on our beautiful and only planet as the solution of coherence from chaos begins with an evaluation of our Consciousness with Love allowing for our continued natural growth through accessing Intelligent Infinity with Love: such as a seed to a Tree, caterpillar to a butterfly or one cell to you. Love is how human progress will continue as our holographic Universe allows Love from one to reflect change in all, in this instance it's the re-integration of an understanding of Love which we once had. Love in Existence is a natural occurrence just as walking and is used to Ascend our Consciousness, our Being: ending with the goal of Love, Heaven on Earth.



We all have a unique vision or perception of how we view and behave with the world based on the accumulation of understanding and experience that we have integrated into our lives. Love allows us to evaluate, improve and purify our current understanding and experience providing a new vision of life and the world with our inner vision which is the realization from inner wisdom that we are woven together with the Universe with Love and we each have a role to play in the growth, nurturing and prosperity of our species and Earth ensuing from Love: the Celestine Vision. Do you currently have challenges with personal and family relationships? With Love you will be able to develop authentic, meaningful connections with anyone based on understanding while viewing one another as equals as both individuals will have engaged Intelligent Infinity and will have understood Love. Do you currently take issue with self-esteem? With Love you will be able to know yourself completely and have self-compassion and self-empowerment. Do you currently have mental, emotional or physical health problems? With Love you will know the power of self-healing as Love is able to alleviate these problems. Do you feel emotional turbulence when dealing with life challenges? With Love you will understand the concept of non-resistance, equanimity, which allows you to adopt a posture of mental, emotional and psychological stability with any life challenge and embrace uncertainty to flow with the changing moment. Do you become worried or stressed? With Love you will be able to manage emotions using self-awareness and remain in a positive emotional state. This allows you to avoid producing negative mental simulations or mini-movies about past or future events and stay present (non-resistance). Do you feel a need to contribute to the well being of this planet? With Love you will understand the significance of Nature as you become aligned with Earth and feel the aliveness (mystical/transcendental experience) of fellow creations along with the realization of being harmonious with the Universe rather than separate. Do you wish to be empowered? Love endows you with cognitive and physical enhancements such as enhanced learning, increased physical coordination and speed, self-command of sense, thought, emotion, behavior leading to profound physical, mental, emotional, psychological improvements and destiny manifestation due to the growth of your brain. ASCEND As Love is engaged, you become fully conscious of Intelligent Infinity operating behind the scenes of life, and in doing so, you leave behind a materialistic worldview which uses distractions to push away the True awe of being alive. Love provides a deeper meaning of life filled with meaningful synchronicity and sudden intuitions that provide a special path for yourself in this Existence, your intended destiny to emerge. This kind of life leads you forward through Intelligent Infinity to fulfill your purpose of being alive. Love provides a biological upgrade to Humans via activation of the Spirit Eye: known as the Pineal Gland in science, the Third Eye in Hinduism, Eye of Horus from RA and Latifa Khafiya in Sufism. The Spirit Eye is grown through physical muscular experience via Love from Meditation and is currently dormant and disrupted without Love. Love endows you with enlightenment, empowerment, bliss, mindfulness, fulfillment, health and self-remembrance to clarify, understand and fulfill your destiny. As a result, you will establish new patterns and synchronize with Existence allowing you to influence life with intention and expectation, live via intuition and synchronicity, which are life events that align with one another with intution being the guide, as one does when connecting the dots, and is the mechanism to allow you to move life forward by making life decisions based on Love, creating the True feeling of being alive. Synchronicity, known as Rten Brel in Buddhism, are events that exist independently of human sense and perception and is the manifestation of living via Love once it is integrated and just as our ability to walk, all humans are capable of living life in this manner. As the events of your destiny unfold: as all past, present and future Existence has been determined by Intelligent Infinity, referred to as Maktub: 'It was all written' in ancient wisdom, you will notice the pattern of precise, timed events and experiences that occur in co-incidence to move you forward in life which is based on Love aligned intent (passions, goals) and the intelligence of your heart as a compass for guidance. Synchronistic Flow is the elevation in one’s experience of life wherein we transcend the ordinary and find a higher meaning in the flow of events which truly makes one alive. This occurs due to resonance with Love, which indigenous wisdom describes as Agape, being expressed through you as you become aligned and allegiant with Love, with Intelligent Infinity. As an example, meeting a friend randomly after a thousand cycles while walking in the same area is an event that occurs due to the timing of multiple other events (synchronicity) to have the two meet.



Celestine Path is the Intellligent Infinity engagement methodology through Love consisting of education, meditation and supramundane experience; aligned with the 7 Factors Of Enlightenment from Siddartha, The Seven Valleys from Baháʼu'lláh and The Law Of One. Applying Truth of concepts from various disciplines: Celestine Path is a synthesis of knowledge domains. The path contains practices and lifestyle guidelines designed to transform your state of being by undoing the mental, emotional, psychological and physical structures of mind control which restrict and inhibit your normal, your natural, your birthright use of Love and Ascend your thoughts, emotions and behavior to produce the profound benefits to Existence. This methodology uses The Celestine Prophecy Series as the guide which provides the insights to understand, develop and integrate Love into Existence with subsequent education providing deeper support. EDUCATION As knowledge is the precursor and bridge to allow for experience it is the first step for understanding Love. Proof of education through synchronicity will strengthen understanding and verify development and integration of Love into life. MEDITATION Education alone will not allow for one to engage Love as effort, focus and life moments doing Meditation are required to untangle the mental, emotional and psychological mechanisms that restrict our connection with Love. Meditation occurs at locations of Nature to allow Love, Intelligent Infinity to be engaged. Meditation is the act of Stillness, non-movement, surrounded by Natural. The meditative position is cross legged as you are sitting while engaging your senses with Natural surroundings and knowing that the feeling being experienced is Love: being surrounded by a Forest and its silence, listening to the sound of leaves as wind goes through the Trees, watching the light of the Sun and colors change as it ascends or descends, listening to the sound of a group of Birds singing, listening to the sound of the waves in the Ocean, watching the light of the Moon. These are all examples of Meditation which needs to be done continuously and consistently throughout life as this is the means of engaging Intelligent Infinity, engaging Love. Applying the knowledge of Love to everyday life and spending moments in Nature doing Meditation will allow one to realize Love. The process also uses various techniques to assist: Qi Gong: an ancient practice that uses Love for healing the Lataif. Quantum Healing: a practice that uses Love to remember previous incarnations. Improvisation: a practice that teaches the basis of human interaction and uses Love to become more present and joyful. SUPRAMUNDANE EXPERIENCE Love allows you to engage Intelligent Infinity and the Lataif through Meditation and grow the brain, experience a profound joy for Existence, a heightened sense of freedom, an awe for life, elevated levels of bliss and gratitude, a humbled sense of empowerment and wonder with the Universe, with Intelligent Infinity.

We Only Destroy What We Don't Value, And We Can Only Value What We Can Understand.


All Flesh Is Grass, And All Glory Of Man As Flower Of Grass.


On your planet, as on our planet, each blade of Grass is alive with the knowledge of the Creator. The Winds sing his praises. Trees shout for joy in the creation of our Infinite Father. If you are not able to see the Creator, my friends, it is a matter of seeking, and seeking, and continued seeking. And then, my friends, you will begin to realize, and to understand, that the creation of the Father is all around you.


I am Hatonn. My friends, there is much in your illusion which seems to you to be inconvenient and which does bring confusion, and yet, we suggest to you that without some disorder there is no creation. It is often difficult to be enthusiastic about the unknown. It is difficult to be enthusiastic when you Truly do not know what to do. It is difficult to count oneself lucky when one seems to be lost in a sea with no shore in sight. But this is the breeding ground of new beginnings, of transformations, and of wisdoms. Where are you, my friends? Where do you see yourselves at this moment? Do you see yourselves in a room or in a dwelling or in a city or a nation? Can you pull away and see yourself upon the surface of the planet, sitting in darkness? Can you pull further, further away and lose sight of the planet altogether as you view the galaxy in which you have your being at this time? Is there any meaning to so small a piece of consciousness as one entity—you—seated in darkness on a small planet in a minor solar system in a reasonable-sized galaxy among billions of other galaxies? Or is it all confusion? We suggest to you, my friends, that confusion is balanced by meaning and meaning by confusion. You will not find the meaning within each moment of your Existence without the acceptance of the confusion, of the foolishness of the limitations of our understanding as entities which are part of a vast and mysterious Universe. The meaning is there, my friends. We have seen the laws of creation and their working never falters, to the best of our understanding. Yet, from moment to moment, the great laws disappear and confusion often reigns. If you can remain conscious both of how small a part of creation you are and of how perfect a part of it you are, you will have achieved a great deal. And this, my friends, as you know, cannot be done without meditation. We suggest to you that you first must align yourself with the original Thought of the Creator in whatever situation you may find yourself, including the greatest confusion.

These are the thoughts of the one known as Hatonn. I will speak to you on the subject of maturity. Maturity, my friends, is in Truth a maturity of the spirit, for in Truth there is nothing but the spirit. The physical illusion which you appreciate in your daily lives is of no consequence other than for its result in action upon the spiritual self. Maturity, my friends, is first the realization of this fact. Secondly, maturity is the ability to control one’s own consciousness in such a way so as to propagate the continuance of this maturing process. Maturity, my friends, then is realized in the ability to control one’s consciousness. Unfortunately, upon the planet which you now enjoy, there is but very little True control of the basic consciousness. And, therefore, there is very, very little maturity. It is necessary first to realize the value of each thought you have, and then to reject those of little or no value. Most of the thoughts that we are able to discern occurring in the daily lives of those who dwell upon this planet lack maturity. For this reason, you might consider the planet upon which you live a planet of children. Their daily thoughts, communicated to one another, hold them in this state. It is a self-propagating thing, communicated from one to the other. It is necessary to reject thoughts that continually infringe upon your mind from your present environment and to carefully select each thought that you generate in order to reach a state of True mental maturity. You might ask how it is possible to select thoughts of value from thoughts that are meaningless, or of little value. It is very simple, my friends. All that is necessary is for you to analyze the thought with respect to the real objectives of your person. If the thought has True consequence, if the thought is of a True developmental nature—that is to say, if it develops either your consciousness or the consciousness of someone else with whom you are communicating—then it is a worthwhile thought. If it does not develop the consciousness, then it is probably of very little value. Now, how will a thought or concept develop into consciousness? There are several ways. One technique of development is simply evolving the ability of analyzing the merits of your thoughts. After this has been done, the thoughts themselves will act as generators of the maturing process. Each thought you have is important. It is important either in a negative or a positive sense. If it is a thought that is of no consequence, it is important to recognize this thought as being of no value. If it is a thought of consequence, then it is necessary that you amplify it and utilize it and communicate it, or it too will be of very little value. Maturity, my friends, is first the ability to think in this manner. It is second to act in the manner in which you think. There are millions and millions of thoughts generated by the people of your planet each day. A very, very small percentage of these thoughts have to do with maturity. That is, a very, very small percentage of them have to do with creating a better environment for the growth of the spiritual self. By this I mean actively causing spiritual development.

What is spiritual development? It is the the process of maturing, the process of analyzing everything that you are aware of in a True and unbiased sense. In order to do this, one must be able to recognize Truth. It is only possible for one to recognize Truth by the process of allowing Truth to communicate the absolute base for Truth which is ever present throughout the Universe. This communication is accomplished primarily through the technique of meditation. There is a separation of maturity into primarily two aspects: intellectual and spiritual maturity. They go hand in hand, and one generates the other. However, it is not necessary to acquire intellectual maturity in order to acquire spiritual maturity. It is, however, necessary to acquire spiritual maturity in order to acquire intellectual maturity, for the intellect cannot accurately evaluate concepts without a True spiritual basis. There are three more things which I would like to speak about concerning maturity: the concept of infantile maturity; the concept of general or induced maturity; the concept of absolute or total maturity. The concept of infantile maturity is highly misunderstood upon this planet. An infant, upon incarnating into your environment, has a certain amount of maturity that he normally brings with him. It is not necessary to induce this quality of maturity through any system of education to the infant. It is only necessary that he be alerted to the possibility of generating a continuance, through his own intellectual processes, of his own spiritual evolution and, consequently, spiritual maturity. Unfortunately, your religious systems do not provide this stimulus. It is recommended that, in order for infantile maturity to progress at an acceptable rate, the infant be made aware at the earliest age possible of his responsibility in creating an intellectual communication with his total self. This is usually done through techniques of ritual and appreciation of the natural forces of the Universe. The ritual that is employed by most of your religious systems upon your planet is highly ineffective, since it is generated primarily by force, and is not freely offered, to be accepted or rejected. Your present system drives most of your people from spiritual seeking at a very early age due to the aspect of force which should be totally removed. This is what we have experienced, and what we have found to be most beneficial. The second aspect of which I speak is that of induced maturity, occurring in a most unusual aspect among the peoples of your present society.

This maturity, which is a false maturity, is induced by the social systems which are presently in effect upon your planet. Each system intellectually communicates an aspect of assumed maturity, which has nothing to do with real or absolute maturity. Therefore, much strife and confusion is realized by those who attempt to orient their thinking so as to reach the accepted state or level of the assumed concept of the mature mind. This concept is usually heavily intellectual, for your society at present is primarily an intellectual society, with very, very little awareness of the Existence or function of what you would call a spiritual society. Therefore, to mature within the boundaries of your present society and be accepted as a mature person, it is necessary to be able to communicate with it in its accepted intellectual jargon, which includes primarily a ridiculously long list of totally meaningless concepts. These should be, if one is to attain True maturity, rejected as meaningless, for they are extreme transients and have nothing to do with spiritual maturity. The last aspect of maturity upon which I wish to speak is that of real maturity. My friends, there is only one way to reach real maturity: that is through meditation. We have said this many times. You cannot get there by intellectual mechanisms. You cannot get there by analyzing each of your thoughts, and labeling it either worthwhile or worthless. All of these things are aids, but with the foundation of daily meditation you cannot use this analysis, for the result of this analysis is insulated from the total self by a boundary. This boundary is permeable, but this boundary is only permeable when the mind is conditioned through meditation. Lack of meditation reduces this boundary to an impermeable state, all intellectual functions occurring on the surface, and having little effect upon the growth of the True self. So you see, my friends, there is a dual process occurring. However, meditation is always of the primary and greater importance. Once, however the art of meditation has been fully mastered, the intellectual mind becomes a useful tool in the development of spirit. It is of little consequence until this state of communication between the two is mastered. Therefore, my friends, all is of no avail until receptivity is made possible through daily meditation. This not only breaks down the barrier between the intellect and the spirit, it also breaks down all other barriers between the spirit and the one great All. I hope that I have been of some service to you in this discussion. I realize that it is difficult to speak to you on this subject because it is a difficult subject if one is to use the parameters of your present society. We consider it very, very simple. Therefore, any True discussion of the subject should require no more than a few sentences. It has been a privilege to speak with you. Adonai, my friends. I am Hatonn.

There is much about this creation that the people of your planet are not aware. I have stated that the principles are extremely simple. Everything is provided for the individual. All knowledge is yours. It is only necessary that you seek it out within you. Everything that we do is within the abilities of everyone else. All of the people of your planet are also able to do all of these things. It is only necessary that they return to an awareness of these abilities. This awareness is an awareness of the Love and understanding that they were originally created with. This is the only thing that blocks them from their abilities and their knowledge. It is recommended, therefore, that through meditation it is possible to regain this knowledge and these abilities. For this reason, we continually impress upon you the need for meditation, and the need for understanding your fellow men. For only through this process can you return to your rightful position. The people of your planet are not aware of the simplicity of this process. If they could learn how very simple it is, and not forget this, then they would not any longer have the difficulties that they experience. I must be very emphatic about this, that the entire process is of an extremely simple nature. It is only necessary that the individual realize that he is a part of the creation, and that the creation is one single thing, and that in so being, he and all of his brothers and sisters throughout all space are one being. This realization will result in an ability to demonstrate only one reaction to anything: that reaction will be Love. It is extremely simple. First it is necessary to realize your relationship with everything that exists. It is then impossible to realize anything but Love. This is the realization of the Creator. This is the principle upon which everything was created. It is that orientation of mind that is necessary to know all knowledge and to demonstrate all of the things that were intended for you to demonstrate through the expression of the Creator’s Love. Do these simple things. Do not sway from this understanding and this Love. Do this, and only this, and you will reach a state of ecstasy that is enjoyed by all of those of the Creator’s children that are living in His Light. I cannot overemphasize this simple Truth. It is easy for an individual to forget this Truth in his daily activities, especially in an environment such as the one you experience at this time. However, it is possible to overcome the illusions that are impressed upon you by your present environment, and when this is done, you will know and feel the intense Love of the Creator, and then you will know that you have found the pathway that leads to Him. This has been stated to you many, many times. This has been given to the people of this planet by many, many teachers. It has been stated in many, many ways. And yet it is so easily forgotten. Do not forget this. It is what you desire. We are in a position to know what you desire. If you did not desire this, we could not tell you this. We could not say to you that you should do these things, for this would be against the will of the Creator. Remember these simple teachings. Remember them throughout each instant of your daily activities and express the principle of Love. This is all that is necessary. This can be done if you remain constantly aware of the need for doing it. In order to remain aware of this need, it is necessary to meditate. Do this, and join us in the Kingdom of Heaven, for this was what was meant for you. This is what is your destiny. It is what you desire. Do not falter and do not reject that which you desire. Remain aware of your True desire. And express it through Love. I am Hatonn. Adonai.

All content and presentation at celestine.vision is remembrance of and from Ahura (God) via Prana (inner Energy) through Agape (Love) creating Rten Brel (Synchronicity) which is Kalapas (Reality) because Maktub (Reality is written/predetermined): Inshallah (God Willing).

Celestine Path is the multi-disciplinary Energy and Love methodology to engage the Third Eye, composed of education, meditation and supramundane experience aligned with the Celestine Insights.













Ultimately, applying the principles of Energy and Love into your daily life with attention, focus and effort is the only way to integrate this knowledge into your persona.

Using your Aggregrate of Being & Experience towards the Natural is required to understand, develop and integrate Energy. The core Natural objects (creation) that need to be engaged are Tree, Bird, Sun & Moon as these creation provide the necessary Love and Light through meditation to engage the Lataif.

Meditation is the use of your 5 Aggregates towards the Natural. 

In Buddhism, the concept of Meditation means to become familiar with, in this case, we are re-familiarizing ourselves with Natural and the symbiotic relationship we have as our sacred connection has atrophied due to mind control.

The Tree is Still, thus humans need to be Still as Tree. Still allows one to feel the serenity and calm of the Forest. Love is shown through the Growth of the Tree from a seed and the fruit Tree provides. The Love & beauty of Tree is Natural when seeing and feeling.

The Bird is the sound of Love thus humans need to hear and listen to Bird. Love is shown through how Bird continuously is singing and their interactions of fun on their own and amongst one another. The Love & beauty of Bird is Natural when seeing, feeling and listening.

The Sun and Moon are Light from Love thus humans need to see the Sun and Moon. The Sun and Moon provide the Light that creation use. The Love & beauty of Sun and Moon is Natural when seeing and feeling.

Meditation is required to engage Intelligent Infinity throught the Energy of the core Natural objects and develop the Love state of mind.

The Love state of mind (Agape) develops naturally as your rupa is enraptured in Natural.

To live in the present moment, to live in the present action is the main tenet of Zen. Natural allows a means to be present as Natural will capture your rupa. 


As our current life is based on prediction, this has hampered our ability to be spontaneous, joyful and authentic. Improv allows one to reconnect with their inner child as this child was naturally engaging Love. Improvisation allows for the healing of numerous emotional and psychological issues that may have occured through experiences in life.


The question of belief arises when there is no seeing - seeing in every sense of the word. 

The moment you see, the question of belief disappears.

If I tell you that I have a gem hidden in the folded palm of my hand, the question of belief arises because you do not see it yourself.

But if I unclench my fist and show you the gem, then you see it for yourself, and the question of belief does not arise.

So the phrase in ancient Buddhist texts reads: 'Realizing, as one sees a gem in the palm'.

You may not believe in Energy and Love the same way you don't see the gem when the palm is clenched.

I am inviting you to 'come and see' not 'come and believe'.

Experience is Belief from Truth.

Truth is Energy. Energy is Love. Energy is not a result of the Celestine Path.

You may get to the Mountain along a path, but the Mountain is not the result, not an effect of the path, the MOUNTAIN IS. You may see Light, but the Light is not the result of your eyesight, the LIGHT IS.

ENERGY IS. LOVE IS. The only thing you can do is experience it, realize it.

Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved - YOU ARE ENERGY, YOU ARE EARTH, YOU ARE LOVE